Chapter 11

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Maya PoV

"Yeah?" I said looking up at him

"Could I join you?" I was took by surprise at his question and at a loss for words

"No-no-no I don't mean it like that" He said quickly correcting himself 

"I just meant till we are going to sleep and then I'll move back onto the couch I hoped we could talk" I just nodded and he came in sitting next to me on my bed

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked closing my sketch pad and putting it at the bottom of the bed

"Earlier on when we kissed" I felt nervous just thinking back

"Like that night three years ago it didn't happen" I said trying to move past it

"But it did happen" he said almost instantly like he knew what my answer would be "We slept together almost 4 years ago and now we have a daughter, we kissed a few hours ago and if I'm being honest I can't stop thinking about it"

"I don't know what to say" I didn't know how to react he was still dating Riley, my best friend, the girl who is like my sister

"Nothing else is going to happen between us you're with Riley and I have my daughter to think about"

"Our daughter" he corrected me a frown on his face

"I'm sorry Lucas but we aren't dating and we aren't friends we are just Hopes parents" It hurt to say that to him but it was the truth we weren't really friends anymore and we definitely weren't together the only reason we are still in each other's lives is because of our friends and Hope

"Maybe I should just go home" I nodded "I think you should"

Lucas said goodbye and left, I felt so bad first we kissed and maybe more would of happened if I didn't stop us. If Riley knew she'd be so hurt and then I told him to leave, he found out he has a daughter, we had a nice movie night together like a family and now I've said we aren't even friends and told him to leave again. This was not even close to what I wanted to happen

Maya PoV
December 20th

It's been 2 few weeks since Lucas found out about Hope and he's been round mostly every day to spend time with her it's still awkward between us but we are trying to move past it

Hope had started to become really attached to Lucas and she was getting used to him being around all the time and as much as I loved them getting along I was worried he won't always be able to come around and be with us everyday and I don't know how I could explain that to her

By now everyone knew that Hope was mine and Lucas's daughter except for Riley, I hadn't told her because Lucas wanted to be the one to tell her

Everyone was so nice once they found out, it was great finally having everything out in the open it felt like a weight was lifted and I didn't have to worry about what I said or did around Hope, I could just be her mom

It was so close to Christmas and it was going to be Hopes first Christmas with Lucas and in New York

"Mommy wake up!" Hope said jumping up and down on my bed and I sleepily woke up  "Mom!"She said again "Mommy!" Hope kept shouting at me jumping up and down

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