Chapter 5

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About 2 weeks later ..

I had been home from school everyday for the whole week and part of last week as well and I'm still throwing up constantly and feel horrible but one positive was I didn't have to see Lucas

I was sitting in my bedroom worrying, why you might ask? I had been thinking about my symptoms, being sick but no fever, it's usually in the morning, and I haven't had my period

I was probably just thinking of the worst case scenario but what if I was what if ... no I couldn't even think it I can't be especially not with Lucas

I started quietly crying to myself when I heard my door open I quickly wiped my eyes and pretended like I was fine

My mom walked in and sat next to me, I wasn't fooling anyone it was obvious I had been crying "Baby what's wrong?" My mom asked pulling me into a side hug

"I-I can't say" I quietly said

"You can tell me anything" she kissed my forehead

"I-I" I couldn't get my words out, tears started streaming down my cheeks

"Please tell me" My mom said softly

"I think I might be pregnant" I said the last part quietly

"What!" My mom said shocked and I could tell she was annoyed because she stopped hugging me

"When? With who?" She started asking me questions

"A few weeks ago near by birthday and I don't want to say" I couldn't look her in the eyes

I was just looking down twiddling my thumbs nervously

"I might not be I haven't taken any tests" I said hoping it was just me being paranoid

"Wait here" My mom stood up "I'm going to the store right now"

I let out a shaky breath and anxiously waited for my mom to come back it felt like forever

As soon as I heard the door open I rushed and grabbed the tests off her running into the bathroom and locking the door

I heard the timer on my phone go off and slowly picked up the first test "positive" my heart sank

"Negative" The next test said and I felt a bit better

"Maya sweetie what does it say" I heard my mom ask from the other side of the door

I didn't want it to be true so I ripped open another box of tests and tried them "please no" I whispered to myself but they all came out positive

I unlocked the door and sat down on the closed toilet seat my head in my hands crying "Oh baby girl" My mom gently rubbed my back

"It's going to be okay" she tried to reassure me but it wasn't working

"It's Lucas" I admitted "The father is Lucas" and with those words a full flood of tears came pouring down my face

"Isn't he dating Riley" she asked and I just nodded "Oh I see" she said

"I can't tell anyone mom" I looked up at her "It'll be too hard"

The front door opened and Shawn came in and then over to us "What's going on is everything okay?" He asked worried looking at me crying

"Maya's pregnant" My mom told him and I could see he got angry "Who's the boy who did this to you?" Shawn said getting protective over me

"I can't stay here I can't what if they find out" I started to get more and more worried

"I might have a solution" Shawn said calmer

I stood up from the toilet seat filled with a little bit of hope "I was offered a job in Florida I wasn't going to take it since it's so far but it could be a solution"

"You can't seriously be suggesting we just pack up and leave" My mom said being realistic

"I want to have this baby mom but I can't have them finding out about it what else can we do" I said trying to persuade her

"I'm not sure about this" My mom said worried

"What about if we just stay until the baby is born then I'll give him or her up for adoption there's loads of people who want kids" I tried to offer a solution to my mistake

My mom turned to Shawn "It's your call" he said to her

She sighed "Okay fine I guess we are moving to Florida"

And so we did we moved it took us a week and a few days to arrange flights and to pack up the house but luckily since we were moving because of Shawns job they had a house set up for us to live in

We didn't tell anyone we were leaving until the day when Shawn told Cory and Topanga we were leaving for Florida and we weren't sure for how long

I had avoided everyone until it was time to leave I didn't want I slip up and say something

We moved to Florida and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Hope Hunter she was an adorable little baby and so tiny

I changed my mind once I had her I didn't want to give her away but my mom was more worried about things

"This isn't a movie Maya it's not going to be easy raising a child and what about your school and the rest of your life you're only eighteen years old you have your whole life ahead of you" She said trying to be realistic

"I know that but she is apart of my life now and I know that this changes things for us but I have you to help me" It didn't matter what I said or what she said we both knew I was keeping Hope she was part of my life but now things just became a whole lot more complicated and we needed a solution

So we came up with a lie

We decided to stay in Florida a little longer we had all made new friends and I didn't have to lie about Hope to them I could openly say she was mine and I was her mother

But now we were driving back to New York well to the airport, Hope is three years old and I was worried she looked so much like me she had blonde hair and fair skin but she had green eyes like Lucas's exactly like his and I just hoped they wouldn't suspect anything since my mom and Shawn don't have green eyes

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