Chapter 17

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Maya PoV

"I thought we could talk about this but I see what's going on" She turned and left

"Riley no wait please" I said following her outside not caring that I wasn't wearing much or that I felt like I was going to throw up any second

"No Maya I tried I really did but I can't it's just hard seeing you two together" she sighed

"Just listen to me!" I raise my voice a little "I'm hurt by this too"

"Oh I'm sorry did my back hurt your knife" she said angrily

"Do you want me to say I'll stop seeing him because I will" I said honestly I'm not sure how that would work with Hope but I could make it work

"This isn't about him! You were my best friend and you betrayed me"

"Tell me what I can do! We have been friends our whole lives please don't let my mistakes stop us being friends" I said walking up to her

"We literally just broke up and then I come and find you and him together again do you not realise how much that hurts me?"

"I promise you nothing happened last night between us and nothing will happen our friendship means more to me so please what can I do" I asked really hoping she would forgive me

"Just give me some time Maya" she got in her car and drove away

Lucas came up behind me "Hey let's go inside it's too cold for this" I just nodded and we both walked inside

As soon as we were inside I sat down on the couch pulling my knees up my my chest, Lucas sat beside me

"It's going to be okay Maya" he said trying to make me feel better but it wasn't working

"How do you know that?! I've just ruined any chance I had of us being friends by you being here" I was so upset I had lost Riley she was always there for me she's my best friend, my sister and now she hates me

"Riley loves you I know you'll both work this out" I turned to face him

"If it was Farkle or Zay that slept with Riley when you were together would you forgive one of them?" I said knowing they were his best friends and he definitely wouldn't forgive them just like Riley won't forgive me

"Good point, no I probably wouldn't forgive them, at least not for a while" Neither of us knew what to say next but I didn't want him to leave I knew that

I moved over closer to Lucas I placed my legs over his and my head, sort of, on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me

"What am I supposed to do now Lucas?" I said just confused of what will happen next its all a big puzzle that I cant solve

"Right now, we are going to get the house ready so our little girl can have an amazing Christmas tomorrow" He said probably trying to take my mind off Riley but he was also true I hadn't put up my tree or any decorations I had been too stressed to do anything Christmas related but it's Hopes first Christmas in New York so I wanted it to be amazing

"Can I just stay here for a little longer?" I asked just wanting to stay in the comfort of his arms

"No more moping" he said moving my legs off him and standing up "I promise I will try my very hardest to get your mind off the Riley problem" he held his hand out

I placed my hand in his "Fine but then I'm going straight back to moping around" I slightly smiled and Lucas helped me up from the couch

"Deal" he smiled back at me

A few hours later

Lucas had put on some Christmas music to make everything in a more Christmassy, happy mood and it wasn't working at first but after a little bit of decorating and seeing Lucas's goofy and terrible dancing, I was starting to feel better

After a few tries we finally got the tree up and staying up, we decorated it with tinsel, lights and ornaments it was looking good but we decided to leave the star off the top so Hope could put it up when she got home

After we decorated the tree we decided to hang some other lights and ornaments around the house

It took us a while but I'm glad Lucas made me decorated it definitely took my mind off Riley and the problems between us all

But now we were done and I was left to my thoughts again and I kept worrying about it and the more I thought about it the more upset I got

"Okay back to moping around" I said sitting back down I was sort of joking but also not at the same time

"Nope we aren't done yet" Lucas said walking over to the couch

"I'm done" I said staying sitting down

Before I knew it Lucas picked me up and put me over his shoulder holding me around my waist "Do I just weigh nothing to you" I said grumpily as soon as he picked me up

"No not really" he joked

"Put me down Lucas" I said more seriously but he ignored me and started walking "Do you want me to be sick on you! Hungover Maya is a bitch"

"Lucas!" I said again "Put me down"

"No can do ma'am" he replied joking around

He stopped just outside my kitchen "Put me down now you Huckleberry, horseback riding, cactus Pete, Ranger Rick, Sundance, Cowboy" I joked bringing back the nicknames I had for him in high school

Lucas put me back on my feet but kept his arms around my waist hugging me "Thank you" 

"Look up" he smirked I looked above our heads and saw that Lucas had placed some mistletoe above our heads

"Seriously?" I said looking back at him smiling

"It's one of the rules of Christmas, I don't make up the rules you have to kiss under mistletoe" he said the goofy smile not leaving his face

"Well sorry Mr moral compass but that's basil" I smirked joking

"No I think it's mistletoe" he replied

I looked back up "No definitely basil" I smiled at him and then I moved his hands off me

"You should probably go home" I said as soon as I stepped away ruining the moment between us but I knew if I didn't I would probably end up kissing him again and thats the last thing that should happen

"Right yeah okay" he said taking the mistletoe down

"But you'll be back later right? For the Christmas party" I asked reminding him I was hosting a Christmas party at my new house for everyone

I had invited my parents, Josh, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, Smackle, Riley though I doubt she will be coming and the Matthews and I hoped they were still coming even though Riley might not be

"Yeah of course I'll see you tonight" he smiled at me and walked out

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