Chapter 31

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Maya PoV

"I have to go" He repeated picking up his suitcase

"I'm sorry" he was leaving he was really going to leave me, even after I told him how I felt and after I told him I'd be there for him and everything else in the past was a mistake

I couldn't form any words so I just nodded, he opened his mouth like he was going to say something but he just sighed and walked away to his gate

I walked back over to the others, they were clearly all waiting for me to say something

"He's still leaving" I turned back to the gate hoping he would come back but he didn't

I don't blame him, I broke his heart over and over again, I kept pushing him away he had every reason not to believe me

I told them I was going home and I said my goodbyes

On the way home my phone kept beeping but I didn't want to be distracted as I drove so I turned it off

After about half an hour we got back home, Hope sat by the house phone waiting for it to ring, Lucas had previously promised he would call her as soon as he was in London

I sat next to her and decided to check my messages since my phone had been buzzing none stop

I checked the messages on the house phone first whilst I waited for my phone to turn back on, one message was off my mom reminding me of the time we were meeting at the airport

And then it beeped again and his voice came on

"Hey, I'm just sitting here on the plane and I feel horrible. I can't believe I just left like that... I didn't know if this time you were going to stick to your word and we would work, but just sitting her knowing I'm going to be in another country from you I don't know what I was thinking. We love each other and if we have the chance to be together we should take it right"

I was so focused on this message, what was he saying? "I made a mistake. I need to get off this plane"

"Oh my god" I said to myself

"Excuse me. Hi, hey there" I heard another voice through the phone "Sir please take a seat we are about to take off"

"No you don't understand I have to get off the plane, my girlfriend- not my girlfriend my friend, sort of I think we're friends. Anyway she told me she loved me and I need to go back to her" He rambled to the woman and I slightly laughed but I was kinda panicked, I wanted him back I didn't want him to be away for five years it's too long I needed him

"I'm sorry sir but the plane is about to take off we can't stop the flight for one person" I groaned

"Please I need to get back to her and my daughter you have to let me off this plane"

My god let him off the plane!

I heard some other people on the plane around him all tell the woman to let him off "Let him be with his family!"

"I can't allow you to get off this plane now please take a seat"

"I'm sorry but I'm getting off this plane"

"No sir. Sir you are disrupting the other passengers—" the phone message cut off

"Did he get off the plane!" I grabbed the phone and started typing in his number

"I need to know if he got off the plane." I was just talking to myself at this point I'm pretty sure Hope has no idea what's going on

I kept ringing his phone but there were no answers "Fuck answer your phone" I realised I swore and turned to face Hope

"Don't repeat that" she giggled and then nodded

I put on the tv for Hope and just sat there twiddling my thumbs, I couldn't concentrate on anything my thoughts wouldn't leave Lucas,

I had to know if he got off the plane I just had too

"Why are you angry Mommy?" I looked beside me at Hope

I softly smiled at her "Sweetie I'm not angry, I'm just missing your daddy"

"I just really need to know if he got off the plane" Just as I said this somebody spoke

"I got off the plane" I heard a voice behind me and I immediately stood up and walked quickly towards him

He dropped his bags and I grabbed his shirt kissing him

"Eww" I heard Hope from on the couch and I laughed slightly

"Sorry Hope" I said in between laughing

I looked back at Lucas "So you got off the plane?"

He smiled "I got off the plane"

I smiled but then hit his chest "Don't leave me again!"

"I wouldn't ever dream of it" I hugged him wrapping my arms around his waist, was this real?

Was he really mine? Was all this drama finally over and we can be happy?

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