Chapter 12

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Maya PoV

I locked the car and when I turned around Hope was gone "HOPE!" I yelled starting to panic

I looked around trying to spot her in the crowds of people "HOPE!" I yelled again

I was really worried she was so tiny I took out my phone and called Lucas, he was the first person who came to my mind

Maya- "Lucas!"

Lucas - "Hey"

Maya - "Hope ran off somewhere I don't know where she's gone!" I spoke quickly fumbling trying to get my words out

Lucas - "Where are you I'll come over and we can find her together?" His voice became serious

Maya- "In the car park outside the market"

Lucas - "Don't worry she can't of got far we will find her"

Maya - "Hurry Lucas!"

I put my phone away and started going up to people asking if they had seen her and showing a picture of her from my phone but nobody had and I was getting more worried by the second

I went back over to my car trying to spot Lucas or Hope but I couldn't see either of them I felt like I couldn't breathe I felt like I was going to breakdown and cry but I had to stay strong and keep looking for her

I looked around for Lucas again and thankfully I saw him carrying Hope in his arms I ran over to them and took her in my arms holding onto her "I found her looking at the toy stand" Lucas said

I placed her on her feet "Don't you ever run away from me again Hope you could of got lost" I said sternly before I hugged her

"I'm sorry, I promise I won't run way again" I picked her back up holding her on my hip

"It's okay baby now why don't you thank Lucas for finding you" I smiled at Lucas trying to seem calm even though inside my heart was still pounding

"Thank you" Hope held her arms out to hug Lucas so I passed her over to him

"It's okay Princess" I smiled he was great with her and she really loved him

"Hey guys" I heard Riley and I turned around

"Hey Riles" I hugged her and took Hope off Lucas so they could say hi to each other

"Can we go see Santa now mommy?" Hope asked becoming inpatient "Yes let's go"

"Mom?" Riley questioned I looked at Lucas "You haven't told her!" I raised my voice a little he promised he would tell Riley before we met up

"I was going to but then Hope ran off" He said trying to make an excuse

"You've had weeks to tell her!" I said getting a little frustrated

"And you've had years" he said back which angered me so much, he didn't know anything about how hard it was to raise Hope or to keep the secret of a baby 

"Don't even get me started Lucas tell her now and then meet us in the line" I sighed and walked away from them

Lucas PoV

"Tell me what Lucas?" Riley asked after Maya had walked off with Hope

"Hope is Maya's daughter" I started explaining everything and I was dreading it

She looked really shocked "I guessed that but, who with and why didn't Maya just tell me?" I took a deep breath

"Hope is also my daughter" I'm not sure what she was feeling when I said this it was a mixture of anger, shock, hurt, confusion and sadness and I couldn't feel any worse

"When did you two" she struggled to get her words out

"The night we went out for Maya's birthday" I paused to let her process everything "I'm so sorry Riley"

"You cheated on me with my best friend" she was trying to stay strong but I could see the tears in her eyes "I thought you were a better person than that I didn't think you could be somebody who cheats"

"I am so sorry I never wanted to hurt you" I said truthfully I never intended for any of this to happen

"I have to go I can't look at either of you right now" Riley turned and started to walk away

I grabbed her hand and stopped her "Riley I can't stand the thought of you hating me please what can I do"

"That's the thing Lucas I don't think there is anything you can do" I let go of her hand and she walked over to her car driving away

Maya PoV

We were near the front of the line when Lucas met up with us "Where's Riley?" I asked worried about her it must of been hard to hear

"We um we broke up" he looked so upset about it and I felt terrible Riley must be feeling the same if not worse

"I'm so sorry Lucas" I grabbed his hand to comfort him

"Next!" One of the elves shouted

I placed Hope down and she walked up to Santa, Lucas and I stood at the side taking pictures of her

"What's your name?" The man dressed as Santa asked as she was placed on his lap

"I'm Hope" She said happily

"And what do you want for Christmas Hope?" He asked her

She looked over at me and Lucas we both waved over at her "I want Lucas, Mommy and me to be a family"

I turned to face Lucas he looked at me, I didn't know what to say "And I want another teddy bear" she added at the end

"I will try to make that happen Merry Christmas HO HO HO" Hope was took off his lap and she ran over to us

"What did you ask Santa for Christmas?" I pretended like I hadn't hear what she said

"I asked for a new teddy bear and for Lucas to be my Daddy" I put on a smile for Hope but I was freaking out inside, he was her dad but I wasn't ready for him to be that in our lives, it's selfish of me I know but I need time I'm so used to it being just me and Hope

I looked back at Lucas who still had hold of my hand "Why don't we go and get some hot coco my treat" He said changing the subject

"That sounds delicious let's go" I said trying to seem calm and happy

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