Chapter 8

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Maya PoV

We were able to go home last night after they checked her stitches one last time thankfully most of our furniture was in the house

We only got back late so I sent Hope straight to bed tucking her in and singing a little lullaby so she slept well, we had gotten up early for our flight and I didn't let her sleep on the plane if she did she wouldn't of slept tonight so that's why she was so tired all day

I went into my room everything looked the same except now it was filled with boxes, I sat on my bed scrolling through pictures on my phone, I had photos from when I was pregnant with Hope, in the hospital, and loads of her growing up I had videos of her first steps, first words and so many other stages in her life

I felt sort of bad that Lucas missed all these stages in her life and he still didn't know she's his daughter as well but he's still dating Riley I don't want to ruin what they have and me and Hope are doing great just us we don't need him

I don't know what I'll do when she starts asking about her dad but that's something to worry about in the future right now I had to worry about Farkle knowing and if he figured it out that quickly I'm not sure how long it will take for the others to figure it out I'm dreading the day they do

I woke up the next day to my mom coming into my room "What time is it?" I said pulling the covers up over my head

"Somebody's here to see you" She pulled the covers fully off me

"Who?" I asked rubbing my eyes and sitting up, I am not a morning person

"Just come out and say hello" She smiled and left my room shutting the door

I groaned and stood up I wasn't going out today whoever was here just had to deal with my pyjamas

I tied my hair up into a ponytail keeping it out of my face and went into the bathroom connected onto my room and quickly washed my face

I walked out of my room to see Farkle I hugged him and looked around incase anyone else was here but I didn't see anyone

Lucas PoV

I was in Maya's kitchen helping her mom make everyone a coffee when Maya's sister came into the kitchen she looked up at me and scrunched up her face like she was thinking hard

"Wucas?" She said not really able to fully pronounce my name

"Yeah I'm Lucas" I smiled she did look so much like Maya I guess they would look similar since they're siblings

Katy passed me some cups and we walked out of the kitchen with the drinks, Hope walked by my side holding onto my pants leg

When she saw Maya she ran and jumped into her arms, Maya spun her around and then held her on her hip it was so sweet how close they were

She was still in her pyjamas but she still looked amazing, she had her hair tied up and no makeup on but she didn't need it anyway she was beautiful with and without it and she was wearing an T-shirt and shorts

She spotted me and the smile fell off her face "Hi" I said walking up to her

"Hi" She said back, I could see she was hurt by me being here which I didn't want I wanted us to be friends again

We all sat on the couch, Farkle sat on the end with Maya in the middle, Hope on her lap and I sat on the other side of Maya

"I'm going to work but if you need anything ring me" Katy said grabbing her bag

"Bye girls" she waved bye and left

"Hope why don't you go and show Farkle your toys I'll join you in there with Lucas soon" Maya said trying to show a smile

"Okay but you're all playing dolly's with me" Hope smiled

"Deal" Maya replied wrapping her pinky finger around Hopes and then she placed Hope on the ground, her and Farkle then went into her room

"I need to talk to you" Maya said once they were both out of view

"Sure anything" I said

"I don't want you to come by here anymore" She seemed nervous and I felt like she was hiding something from me

"Why? I thought you said you would try" I said a little hurt I missed Maya so much when she was away

"I will still talk to you when we are with our friends but I don't want you in my d- sisters life" she paused slightly before saying the word sister which made me even more suspicious and why can't I be in Hopes life but everyone else can

"Well that's strange since your mom invited me over here today I'd say she wants me in Hopes life" I was confused and a little annoyed Maya and I were great friends and we didn't end things on the best terms before she left but I still wanted to go back to that

"I don't want you in her life and that's my decision" she said getting a little flustered

"She's your moms kid" I paused "Why can't I be in her life?"

"It's too hard Lucas" she wasn't even joking with me anymore with the nicknames, had I really lost her ?

"Please" I placed my hand over hers "Can't we move past that night and go back to how we were before?"

Maya didn't move her hand away from mine "I-" she stopped herself from saying whatever she was going to say

"Talk to me" I said wishing she would open up to me

She took a deep breath "I like you so much Lucas it hurts how much but I can't be your friend it's too hard to just be friends my heart breaks every single time I see you and Riley together and every time I see you I think of that night and it hurts me more" she looked down away from me

"I never want to hurt you Maya" I placed my hand under her chin and gently moved her head up to face me

Maya started crying tears rolling down her cheeks I moved my hand from under her chin and gently wiped the tears away with my thumb

I leaned closer and softly kissed Maya I moved back she looked surprised I was surprised at myself as well

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