Chapter 10

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Lucas PoV

I sat down on the couch "I'm a dad" I said it more to myself it was all a shock to me, I never expected I would have a kid I had so many questions

"Does she know?" I asked wondering if Hope knew I was her dad or if she even knew she had a dad

Maya sat down next to me she hadn't said a word about it yet she had only told me to leave "Yes she's your daughter, no she doesn't know and I would like to keep it that way"

"Why I have a right to know her" I said getting defensive, because of Maya I had missed three years of her life already

"And you can know her just as a friend of mine not her dad" it annoyed me not knowing her reason behind keeping Hope a secret for years and now I couldn't tell her I'm her dad and be part of her life

"Explain why" I pressed for information

"Hope and me have a great life just us I don't want to ruin that she's happy Lucas and I don't want to confuse her"

"You don't want to confuse yourself this has nothing to do with Hope you just don't want me in your life because it's complicated" I said a little angry

"Everything I do is for Hope!" Maya said raising her voice

She took a deep breath "You can either leave right now or come and get to know Hope but not as her dad"

I thought about it for a bit and I did want to be part of her life and maybe Maya would change her mind

"Let's not keep her waiting then" I half smiled and stood up holding my hand hand out to help Maya up

She smiled slightly and took my hand holding it we walked into Hopes bedroom hand in hand it felt natural, normal to hold Maya's hand and be close with her

Farkle had to leave so it was just Hope, Maya and me

"Bye uncle Farkle" Hope said as Farkle left making everyone smile

Maya PoV

We had played dolls with Hope for about an hour when I suggested we watch a movie together she liked that idea, I changed her into her pyjamas and she took her teddy bear with her to cuddle with while she watched the film

"You can leave now if you want" I said to Lucas as Hope was making her way to the couch

"I've missed 3 years I don't want to miss anymore of her life" he replied I just nodded not knowing what to say to that

"Can you put in the movie once she picks it I'm just going to make some food for us" I slightly smiled and went into the kitchen, I decided just to make some mac and cheese it was simple and Hope loved it

"Need any help" Lucas asked standing in the doorway

"I'm almost done you two can watch the movie" I kept my eyes on the food away and from Lucas

"She refuses to watch the movie until you're with us" I slightly chuckled and plated up the mac and cheese

"Here's yours" I said passing Lucas a plate of food

"Thanks" he slightly smiled, there was still tension between us but we were both putting on a smile for our daughter, it felt weird to think of Hope as 'our' daughter up until now she was just my daughter and I never really thought about Lucas being involved but he should be I don't want her growing up like I did

We all sat down on the couch, Lucas put blankets over us and put the movie in, I sat in the middle with Hope on one side and Lucas on the other

Hope had picked the Disney movie tangled to watch she said I reminded her of Rapunzel since I had long blonde hair and I paint

"Be careful with your food it's hot" I said passing the bowl to Hope "Don't tell Nana I let you eat on the couch" she put her finger up to her lips

After a while of watching the movie Lucas put his arm around me and I leaned against him, at first I didn't and kept a distance between us but I was feeling more comfortable with him and Hope was already falling asleep

I leaned up and moved the plates and bowls onto the coffee table, I tried to move slowly since Hope had her head on my lap and I didn't want to wake her

"I should probably get going" Lucas whispered to me staying quiet for Hope

"I thought Farkle drove you here?" I questioned trying to be quiet as well

"Yeah he did, I'm just going to walk" Lucas then stood up from the couch

"You can stay here if you want" I paused "On the couch I mean it's getting late so you can spend the night" I said pointing out that he was sleeping on the couch and nothing will happen

"Are you sure?" He asked "I don't think your parents will approve of me staying"

"They won't mind they wouldn't want you walking home in the dark either" I said honestly they probably wouldn't mind

"Well I guess there's no harm in sleeping on the couch" he agreed to staying, I was a little anxious about him staying I had barely talked to him since we got back and now he was spending the night

"I'm just going to put her to bed" I said slowly standing up from the couch and scooping Hope up in my arms

I placed her in her bed and tucked her in making sure she stayed nice and warm "I think she forgot this" I turned and Lucas held up her favourite teddy bear

"Thanks" I stood up and took the bear off Lucas and placed it on the bed next to Hope "Goodnight" I kissed her on her cheek and stood up turning off her bedroom light and leaving her room

"You're really great at this" Lucas said as we walked back to the couch

"At what?" I asked picking up the bowls and plates

"Parenting" I smiled I always worried I wasn't a good mom to Hope since I am young I'm only 21

I went into the kitchen, emptying the food from the bowls into the bin and then placing them in the sink to clean later

"I'll go and get you the spare pillows and blankets" I slightly smiled again and went rooting through the closet

Once the couch had blankets and pillows on it and I had cleaned up everywhere and turned the tv off I was getting a little tired so I was just going to go and draw in my room for a little

"Make yourself at home" I said to Lucas before I went into my room

I was still in my pyjamas since I just had a chill day at home and I left my door open slightly incase Hope needs me in the night

I sat crossed legged on my bed just sketching in my drawing pad when Lucas gently knocked my door

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