Chapter 32

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A few hours have gone by and I still can't get over the fact he's stayed he's here for us, for me

I'm happy, truly and completely happy, we're a family.


I didn't think this would happen. I didn't think that we could be a family that Lucas and me could be more than just a complicated relationship

But we are and nothing is going to stop me feeling this way

As we were sitting on the couch Lucas wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled more into his chest and Hope was sitting on the other side of him as we were watching the movie

Lucas groaned and moved his arm "I should probably go I have to unpack all my things"

I really didn't want him to leave I know he'll most likely be back round in a few days but I just wish he didn't have to go home

I sat up more facing Lucas, "Yeah okay that makes sense" I nodded slightly

"Daddy don't go, this is your home" Hope said grabbing Lucas's hand with both of her hands

"Hope, honey Lucas doesn't live with us" Hope frowned and let go of Lucas's hand, crossing her arms

Lucas kissed Hope on her forehead and stood up grabbing his bags he did have a lot I'm surprised he could carry them all

I stood up too and gave him a hug goodbye since we have now agreed not to kiss in front of Hope

"I'll see you later" he said during the hug

"See ya Ranger Rick" I whispered back using one of his old nicknames

We got out of the hug and Lucas picked up all his bags and opened the door, I held the door open for him as he left

Lucas stepped outside and then stopped and turned around

"I don't want to leave" He said causing me to smile

"You have to you said so yourself, you need to unpack" He smirked at me, what was he thinking ?

"What if I unpacked here" he took a step back inside the house, he is just standing in the doorway

"Then all your stuff is here" I said back, why is he asking such obvious questions.

He needs to go to his own house he doesn't live with us as much I would love that but he doesn't

"Okay well what if all my stuff was over here" I shrugged my shoulders

"Then you would be going from yours to mine all the time, wouldn't that be too much hassle?" He laughed slightly

"Maya why don't we move in together and you understand what I'm saying" I smiled brightly trying to hold in my excitement

"You're not joking if you're joking I'll be so annoyed" he shook his head and stepped into the house

"So what do you say?" He asked such an obvious question, look at my face huckleberry I'm clearly excited about this

I immediately responded "Yes of course yes you idiot" I laughed slightly and took some of his bags from him

Once he was inside again I shut the door behind him

This has been a good day, we're dating, we're a family, we're living together what more could I ask for!

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short and not that good but it's mostly just a filler chapter.

Also to let you all know this story will be coming to an end shortly but I am currently writing another different book which I will release soon

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