Chapter 6

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Maya PoV
December 5th

We had just landed in New York and were waiting outside the airport for Cory and Topanga to pick us up since we didn't have a car over here

"Mommy I'm sleepy" Hope said rubbing her eyes

I crouched down "It's okay baby we will be home soon" I kissed her forehead and picked her up she soon fell asleep in my arms

The Matthews soon came and parked up, Cory and Topanga got out and helped us with our bags putting them in the trunk of the car

I was worried Hope would call me mom and they would all know but luckily she was sleeping right now

And that's when I realised they don't even know Hope exists they don't know why we left or any of it

I walked up the car Hope in my arms and Corys eyes widened in shock, Topanga then noticed her and walked over to me

"And who's this little cutie" she asked me

"This is Hope she's my" I paused for a second "sister" it hurt me to say she was my sister she was my daughter and I wish they could know but that would just cause so much trouble

So this is the lie we came up with Hope is my secret daughter and to make things easier on me and Lucas since he still doesn't know we're lying saying she's my mom and Shawn's daughter

"Wait so" Topanga turned around

Shawn put his arm around my mom "Yeah Hope is our daughter"

Topagana hugged them both and so did Cory, I didn't want loads more questions or for Hope to wake up so I suggested we get in the car

We all got in and I sat with hope on my lap since there wasn't enough spaces for her baby seat to fit in

My mom and Shawn started talking with Cory and Topanga about Florida and our friends and their jobs

Hope stirred in my arms "Mom shhhh she's trying to sleep" I shushed my mom

"We'll keep it down" She smiled at me

"So how old is she?" Topanga asked my mom

"She's three years old" I answered for her "And her birthday is September 28th" I added

"Maya I think she was asking me" My mom faked a laugh

"It's sweet how much Maya looks after her" Topanga said with a smile

"Yeah she's a great big sister" my mom smiled back putting emphasis on the word sister

We went back to the Matthews apartment since ours was still being furnished and some of our boxes were still being sent over

I was nervous I didn't tell Riley was leaving and then I didn't speak to her much for 3 years and now I'm back

We walked inside and I took a deep breath waiting for Riley to come and greet us

Just as Riley was walking out Hope woke up and wanted to be put down "Are we home yet?" She said still tired as I placed her on her feet and crouched down to her level

"Not yet we are at a friends house but do you want go to the park" as soon as I said the park she got giddy and excited and she didn't seem tired at all anymore I slightly chuckled at her

"Hey" I heard a voice so I stood up and saw Riley

"Hi" I said back and before I knew it I was pulled into a tight hug

"I have missed you so much Peaches" Riley said still hugging me

"I've missed you too" I felt little hands around my leg so I pulled out of the hug

Hope was hugging my leg hiding behind me, I smiled at Riley and crouched back down "It's okay this is Riley she's a really good friend of mine" I said pointing up at Riley

"Will you be okay without me if I stay here and talk to Riley" I said softly ignoring everyone else around me

"What about the park?" She pouted her lips to show she was upset

"You can go to the park with us" My mom walked over to us with Shawn

"Yay!" Hope squealed excited again

I stood up and my mom picked up Hope "Do you want to go to Topangas I was just heading there myself, everyone will be so happy to see you" Riley suggested a big smile on her face

"That sounds great" I said smiling

It'll be fun to see everyone after so long, I have missed them

I said goodbye to my mom, Shawn and Hope and me and Riley left to go to Topangas cafe

When we walked in Farkle was already there with Zay and Smackle we all said hi and hugged

"Where have you been?" Zay asked as I sat down

"Florida Shawn got this new job opportunity" I said truthfully it's the only thing about this situation that is true

"Why were you so distant with us and not messaging us much for three years" Riley asked she sounded hurt

Just as I was going to make an excuse and answer the door opened and I quickly looked up to see

"Lucas" I said under my breath started to get extremely anxious as he walked up to us and sat down

"Hi" he said just looking at me

"Hi" I replied the memories of that night flooding back to me, I knew I would have to see him sometime I just didn't realise that time would be right now

"I didn't know you were back" he said, I forgot I didn't tell anyone we were coming back it's all been rushed

"Yeah" I wasn't sure what to say it's been years and I still don't know how to act around him

"So catch me up what's happened in the last few years" I said trying to move past the awkwardness between me and Lucas

"We want to hear all about Florida and little baby's Hope" Riley said happily

"Baby?" The others questioned and avoided Lucas's gaze incase I let anything slip

"My mom and Shawn had a baby her names Hope she's three and she's so adorable" I smiled I was always happy talking about her

Shawn came into Topangas and came over to me "You have to come to the hospital it's Hope" I immediately stood up

"What happened is she okay?!" I asked panicking

"She's okay she fell at the park and cut her chin" I was a bit relieved but the hospital still seemed bad

"Let go" I said to Shawn

"What's going on" Smackle asked

"I'm going to the hospital it's Hope you can all come if you want" I said before leaving the cafe and rushing towards the cab Shawn had waiting outside

A/N : Sorry this chapter isn't that interesting it's just a filler chapter, I hope you are liking the story and if you have any suggestions or any thing you want to say comment it below 😊

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