Chapter 22

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Lucas PoV (from when he left the party)

Maya has just told me she didn't have any feelings for me and then she went back inside, I knew she did it was only last night she told me she loved me but I guess she didn't want to love me and she didn't want me in her life, I made my way over to my car

"Fuck" I said to myself hitting the side of the car door trying to release some anger I had built up

Why did everything have to be a mess, why couldn't we have our happy ending?

I got in my car and just sat in it, I didn't know where I wanted to go. I didn't want to go home I didn't want to go anywhere I just wanted to be with Maya and Hope

A few more people came out and I just decided to drive around and clear my thoughts, I didn't know where I was going I was just driving

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get my thoughts off Maya, her smile, her laugh, the way her hair falls over her face, her beautiful blue eyes that seem to sparkle in the light, the way she is with Hope, how kind she is, when she calls me Huckleberry, every little thing about her I love it all, inside and out

I turned my car around and started heading back, I had made up my mind I don't care what she said we were meant to be together and she knows it and I know it

I stopped and bought flowers on the way and once I was at her house as a sort of romantic gesture

I started getting more nervous maybe this was a mistake she didn't want me here

I buckled up the confidence and knocked on the door but there was no answer so I knocked again

Maya PoV

Whoever was at the door kept knocking and knocking, "I'll just tell them to go away" I said walking out of my room

As I was going to open the door I looked in the mirror by the door, I always checked how I looked before I went out anywhere just a habit, but I noticed the necklace Lucas gave me and I started feeling really guilty that Josh was here nothing really happened we just kissed but I couldn't help but feel guilty

I went back into my room "Who was it?" He asked from my bed

"You have to go" I said quickly

"What's wrong you were fine just then?" he asked standing up

"I know the kiss was just an impulsive decision but I can't stop thinking about Lucas and no matter what I do I can't stop loving him" I walked more into my room, I just felt stressed and guilty I feel like I betrayed him.

"Is everything still okay between us? Please tell me I didn't screw this up?" He asked looking nervous

"You didn't screw up anything and I'll call you later I just need to think about some things" I forced a smile trying to calm myself down a little

"It's okay, I'll go home" he smiled slightly

"Long game?" He asked, I remembered back to high school when we made that deal

I slightly laughed "Long game" and I walked him to the door

When I opened the door Lucas was stood outside with flowers "Lucas?" I questioned I thought he would be at home by now why was he here

"Hi" he said looking at me and not Josh

"I'll call you Maya" Josh said as he was leaving, he probably thought that I knew Lucas was here and that's why I told him to leave but I really didn't

"Bye" I said shutting the door behind him

"What are you doing here?" I asked once it was just me and Lucas

Lucas took me off guard and kissed me and I pushed him away and stepped backwards "People seriously need to stop doing that without warning" I blurted out annoyed, but seriously do boys not think! Like hello don't just kiss me randomly out of nowhere

"Who else has kissed you?" He asked

"Nothing nobody, it doesn't matter" I tried to go back on what I said

"Josh?" He questioned getting more jealous and pointing at the door

"Why do I need to tell you" I said not answering his question and the next thing I know Lucas is dropping the flowers on the floor and rushing out my front door, I hope Josh had already left by now

I followed him out and saw him at Josh's car of course he hadn't left yet just my luck, I rushed over to them both

Lucas had his hand on Josh's car door not letting him get inside his car "You kissed her!" Lucas said raising his voice

"You told him?" Josh turned to face me

"No I didn't" I said knowing now Lucas definitely knew something happened between Josh and me

"What else did you do to her!" Lucas said getting more annoyed by the second

"I don't think that's any of your business and it was her choice too" Josh said standing his ground

I hated that they were talking about me like I wasn't even here. Calling me 'her' grow up guys, why can't they just say my name and it's annoying they're both acting like I had no say in anything.

"Lucas calm down, Josh didn't do anything let him leave" I said softly trying to calm him down

"You shouldn't be getting his annoyed Friar you aren't dating her, Maya can make her own choices and you need to respect that" Josh said defending me, keeping his voice calm, at least he mentioned my name this time.

"And if she chooses me then that's too bad" Josh added at the end, why did he have to say that it could of been over but I know now Lucas is going to be annoyed and upset by that

He moved his hand off Josh's car and turned to face me "What does he mean, if you choose him?" Lucas asked

"Nothing happened, and even if it did I'm sorry Lucas but Josh is right we aren't dating and you can't get this annoyed if there's another guy" I said feeling bad but also getting annoyed I wasn't somebody property and he can't be getting jealous over me and Josh

"Sorry about this Josh" I apologised to him, I don't know why Lucas was acting this way

"It's okay Maya, we both know what we feel and what happened did happen the sooner Friar here accepts that the better" Josh said looking at me,

I could tell Lucas was getting more annoyed and with what Josh was saying and the way he was phrasing it I just knew Lucas was thinking something more happened with us

"What did happen?" Lucas asked me not Josh

"I think you should be able to figure that out, you're smart enough to do that right?" Josh joked and he shouldn't of said what he said it would just annoy Lucas more but he did and next thing I know Lucas had unexpectedly— well not really unexpected I could of seen it coming — punched him straight in the face making Josh trip over the sidewalk and fall over

"LUCAS!" I screamed at him and rushed over to Josh

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