Chapter 30

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Maya PoV

After we had eaten our food I let Hope watch more tv for a few more hours and then I put her in bed

Once Hope was asleep Riley grabbed the ice cream and spoons and we sat on the couch to talk

"Chocolate or vanilla?" She asked holding out two different ice creams to me

"Chocolate obviously" I slightly smiled and took the ice cream off her

"So your text was really vague, what's going on with Lucas?" She asked getting straight to the point, I ate a few more spoonfuls of ice cream trying to delay this conversation

"He's moving away" I said looking down at my ice cream

"What!" She raised her voice

"He just rang you up to say he's leaving! What a jerk does he not realise he has a daughter" she angrily ate a big spoonful of ice cream

"It's for his school" I tried to defend him but Riley was openly acting how I felt inside

"It's still bullshit!" I started slowly scraping the top of the ice cream with my spoon

"There's more isn't there?" She said reading me like a book, I am really not good at hiding my emotions, I should probably work on that

"Okay but don't interrupt until I'm finished talking" I looked up at her, she opened her mouth probably to complain but then she just nodded

"He's going London, for five years and he's leaving to get away from everything that's gone on." I took a deep breath and continued

"He wants me to call him everyday and give him updates on Hope, he still wants to be involved but it's just going to be over the phone for a little"  I stopped talking, I couldn't really tell from her expression what she was feeling but I'm assuming she's annoyed

"You can talk now" Riley angrily stabbed her ice cream with the spoon and put it on my coffee table

"Who does he think he is! What a piece of shit! He can't just be mad at you for apparently not working at the relationship and then leave who does he think he is. It's not like Lucas is some great boyfriend....." I just let Riles ramble on,

I knew that wasn't how she really felt about Lucas she was just trying to say bad things so maybe I'd feel better it was sweet of her but it wasn't working

I don't blame him for wanting to leave, everything bad that happened between us was my fault and I take responsibility for that so if he wants to go and study abroad he can

A few days later

"I guess this is goodbye" Lucas said to us all, His mom, me, Hope, Zay, Smackle, Farkle and Riles,my parents and the Matthews (Cory, Topanga and Auggie) had all come to say goodbye

Cory, Topanga, Auggie and my mom and Shawn all said goodbye first and moved further to the side so the rest of us could say goodbye privately

Once all our friends and his mom had said goodbye, I took his hand and we walked more away from them

"I'm going to miss you" I admitted thought I think it was pretty obvious

"I'll miss you both too" I looked down at Hope who was holding tightly onto my hand

"Do you have to go?" Hope asked frowning, she wasn't happy about this either but she still didn't fully understand it

"Sorry Princess but I have to" he bent down and held his arms out for a hug

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