Chapter 27

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Maya PoV

We sat down outside Corys room waiting for them to be done with a few more tests, Topanaga was sat with Hope on her lap and next to Auggie I could tell they were all trying to stay calm

"Riles I know now isn't the best time but can we talk" I said turning to face her

She took a deep breath and looked back at me "I am still angry at you and hurt by what you and Lucas did and I forgive you mostly" she said knowing what I was going to ask

"You were my best friend Maya and I needed you today, but I don't forgive you fully yet" it still hurt that she was still angry at me

I have tried so hard to make things right and I've been putting my own happiness off for her

"I was your best friend?" I questioned, were we really not best friends anymore ?

"You're my best friend, and I love you" she corrected and I couldn't help but smile, hopefully things were getting better

"I love you too Riles and I promise if it hurts you I won't let anything happen between me and Lucas" I said honestly I loved her and I wouldn't want to ruin our friendship over a boy

"Hey" I heard voice behind me so I slowly turned around hopefully it wasn't Lucas that would be the worst timing

Luckily it was only Josh, him and his parents had came, I quickly stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him "Are you okay" I whispered in his ear as we hugged

"That depends hows Cory?" Josh asked me and we stopped hugging

"They said he's stable" just as I said this the door opened and the doctor came out we all waited to hear how Cory was

"Mr Matthews is stable" The doctor said

"We know that! You've already told us!" Riley said getting worked up again, I let go of Josh's hand and wrapped my arm around her trying to comfort her

"Mr Matthews is going to be okay, he suffered some mild injuries but he will be fine" he said before forcing a smile to us all

"Can we go in?" Topanaga asked and the doctor nodded, she rushed in and everyone followed I waited outside with Hope I didn't want the room to be too crowded

Lucas PoV

I got maya and myself a coffee from the canteen and made my way back over to the front desk where she was waiting

When I got there Hope and Maya had gone, I went up to the desk "Excuse me" the woman looked up

"Do you know where the girl who was just here went?" I asked hoping Maya hadn't left

"The blonde?" She asked and I nodded "She went to see the patient Mr Matthews"

"Okay thanks" I started walking but then stopped realising I had no idea where his room was "What room is that?"

"Are you family?" She asked me and I lied "Yes he's my uncle" she reluctantly looked at her computer and told me the room number

When I got there I noticed it was only Maya and Hope outside she looked up and noticed me, she then said something to Hope who went into Corys room and Maya rushed over

"You have to leave" was the first thing she said

I passed her one of the coffees "What do you mean?" She took the coffee from me

"Thanks for the coffee but you have to leave" she repeated and she kept looking back at the door and then to me

"Why do I have to go?" I asked curiously

"Riley is here and she's finally starting to be okay with me and if she sees you here, things won't be good" I could tell Maya was nervous about me being here but I just wish she wasn't

I know now she's seen Riley again she'll get all in her head and not want to see me anymore

"What about us?" I asked knowing it was the wrong time she was probably worried about Cory but I needed to know

"I-I don't know" She stuttered out

"Then let me make this easier for you" I could feel myself getting angry and I knew I was going to say something I would regret

"What do you mean?" She asked actually concentrating on me and not the door

"I'm done Maya, I've tried so many times to make us work but every time you say you can't do it so I'm done" I was getting so annoyed why couldn't she just let herself be happy for once instead of constantly pushing me away

"Y-You-You're done?" She questioned her voice going shaky, god I hated that I was the person making her upset but I needed to say this

"I'm done trying to love a girl who clearly doesn't love me, I'm done putting all my time into making a relationship with you work, I'm done not being able to tell Hope the truth, and I'm done being put last and being pushed away" I finally said how I felt I had tried so many times and I had waited for her but I couldn't do it anymore it felt like we were going backwards not forwards, it was one step forwards and like five steps back

Maya PoV

"I'm done with it all, I'm done with you" Lucas said his eyes filling up with tears

"I do love you" I tried to go against what he was saying but I didn't have strong argument I have been treating him so badly and he doesn't deserve it

"No Maya! If you loved me you would try, you would actually care about me but you don't."

He waited for me to say something but what was I supposed to say he was right, I was putting things above him and our relationship I wasn't as invested as he was

"Then maybe you should go, maybe you should go to somebody who will do everything I won't" I hated this, but if letting him go would make him happy then I shouldn't hold him back anymore

"You know what then I will. Goodbye Maya" and with that he was walking away

I threw away the coffee he gave me in the bin and I really just felt like throwing something at the wall or screaming to just let out all my emotions

I felt like I had a hole in my heart and I just wanted to scream at him and tell him to fight for us but he had been he had always tried to make it work and I never did. I deserved to feel like this

I still had the necklace he gave me on, I took it off and threw it all the wall opposite me, I looked back down the hallway to see if he came back this time but he wasn't there and now I knew it was really over

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