Chapter 33

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A few hours later when everyone is in bed...

"So we live together now" I said lying in bed next to Lucas

"Yes we do" he said putting both his arms around me

"Look at us being responsible adults" I joked looking up at him

"Oh yeah we're so grown up" he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes

"Well we're getting there" I joked again

"I love sleeping next to you" I couldn't help but smile, he was one smooth talker

"So you only love me when I'm lying next to you half naked in my pyjamas, wow Huckleberry" I joked shaking my head slightly side to side

"Well that's just a plus but I love you all the time" I playfully hit his chest with my hand

We just lay there for a moment but I had to say this, I had to make it clear how I felt

"This is it okay, it's you and me no more screwing around and making mistakes" I sat up being more serious

I wanted this time to last I wanted us to work, I wanted to be with Huckleberry forever

He smiled at me "I wouldn't want it any other way"

"This is where I want to be, with you and Hope" I grabbed his hand, I was getting a little emotional

"I don't want to mess this up again" Lucas moved his hand over mine

"Me neither, we're done being stupid" I smiled back at him



It's been a few years, Lucas and Maya stuck to their word and didn't break up again. They're all one happy family

Maya got a job as an art teacher at John Quincy Adams Middle School and Lucas is studying at the university of New York to get his veterinary degree

Riley and Farkle have finally realised their feelings for each other and started dating and Smackle and Zay got married and are happily living together

Lucas is planning on proposing and he has everyone helping to pick a ring which is getting Maya a little suspicious


A/N: Thank you so much for reading this book, this wasn't a very good ending but I couldn't think of a better way to end the story. I hope you all still enjoyed reading it

Also sorry it has took me so long to post this chapter I have been very busy over my break and busy writing other stories which I will release soon

And Happy New Year it's officially 2020 now!!

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