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Bunny Boo🐰
Flight is landing at 8:45, gate 5

Papa Bear🐻
Okay sounds good. So happy you are coming here

Bunny Boo🐰
Same, I'm so excited! I miss you so much

Papa Bear🐻
I miss you too bunny. The guys are excited to see you again

Bunny Boo🐰
Really? Some of them I don't even know yet

Papa Bear🐻
Well you know Ryan, Eric and a few others

Bunny Boo🐰
True, there are so many new guys too

Papa Bear🐻
That there are. I have to do a little bit of work before I go and pick you up. See you in a little bit, I love you Bunny Boo

Bunny Boo🐰
Sounds good, I love you too daddy
Read 5:15 pm


Grabbing my carry-on, I make my way to the exit of the plane. I grab my luggage off of the conveyor belt and begin my search for my dad. With no sign of him I bring my phone out to text him when I hear my name being yelled. I look to where the voice came from and I see the one and only Ryan Braun waving frantically, standing next to my dad who has his arms crossed and shaking his head, trying to get my attention. I shake my head, laughing and make my way over to them. I walk up to my dad and give him the biggest hug.
"I missed you so much dad."
"I missed you too bunny. Glad you're here."
"Hey what about me?" Ryan butts in on my dad and I's moment. I turn to look at him.
"Really? You can't wait your turn." He just looks at my like a puppy waiting for a treat. I shake my head and make my way to him to give him his long awaited hug. 

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