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This is my first author's note at the beginning of a chapter. I'm just here to tell you that this is a sad chapter. It is a long one too. I hope you enjoy!


Our flight lands in Milwaukee at 1 a.m. We grab our bags and get an Uber to Christian's condominium complex. I don't even bother to text my dad that we landed as he is probably trying to get some sleep. I told him what time our flight was leaving so it's okay, I talk to him in the morning. We walk into his condo, neither of us saying anything. Christian probably doesn't even know what to say to me. Walking to his bedroom, we drop our bags at the foot of his bed. I grab my toiletry bag and some pajamas and make my way to the bathroom. I get ready for bed and my way to the bed. I get into bed and pull the covers over me. Christian gets into bed a few minutes after me. He scoots over to me and presses his chest against my back and kisses my bare shoulder. 

"I love you." He says and reaches around my face and kisses my cheek. I nod, trying to hold back my tears. 

"I love you too." I choke out. I feel Christian lay down. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into him. He rubs my back as I cry into his chest. He tries his best to comfort me, to get me to not cry myself to sleep but it doesn't work and I cry myself to sleep. 

I wake up at 5 a.m. to go to the bathroom. I return to bed and look at Christian. He is laying on his back, right arm tucked under his head, left arm draped over his stomach and his head leaning on his right arm. I smile to myself. He has done so much for me and has been there for me. I don't know what I would do without him. I try to fall back asleep but I end up tossing and turning. I get out of bed grab my phone and phone charger out of my bag and make my way to the kitchen. I plug my charger into an outlet, plug my phone in and set it on the counter. I look at the time on the stove and see it is 5:30. I grab all the necessities to make my coffee and get that started. While I wait for my coffee to brew, I take a seat at the island and turn my phone on. I see that I have no new notifications. Once my coffee is done brewing, I add caramel syrup and cream to it and take my seat. I decide to text my dad. 

Hey dad, sorry I didn't text you when we landed, my phone died and it was really late. Should I stop at the house and we can go to the hospital together or meet you at the hospital? And is it fine if Christian tags along too?

Papa Bear🐻
Hey bunny, no worries. I'm at home, trying to get rest but it's not working. Of course Christian can come along, he's part of this family now and I am sure she would love to see him. 
Read 5:51 am

Mom tell you to go home? Because if I know you, you would be at the hospital with her right now.  Okay, I didn't know. What time do you want us to come over?

Papa Bear🐻
Yes she did... I can't bear to be away from her at this point but she insisted.  Whenever is fine, I will wait for you guys. 

That mom for you. Okay sounds good. Is the rest of the gang going to school yet?

Papa Bear🐻
Yeah, I think it would be best for them to try and get their mind off of it but I don't think it's working. I feel like a shitty father at this point...

Dad you're not a shitty father, you are doing what you can. You couldn't predict that this was going to happen this fast. I agree with you, it would be best for them to keep their minds off of this. Don't ever call yourself a shitty father, you are far from that. 

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