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I get to the park with my dad. Christian had dropped me off at home with Harley so my mom could watch Harley since she wasn't coming to the game tonight. I follow my dad to his office and take a seat, making myself right at home, while he sits on his side of the desk going through some paper work. I sit on my phone for a while when a thought pops into my head. 

"Hey dad?" He looks up at me. 

"What's up?"

"This just popped into my head but," I look down at my engagement ring. "How did he ask you?" 

"He asked me the night before we left for Milwaukee after Spring Training. He came into my office before leaving and asked."

"How did he bring it up? Did he get right to the point or?" I question.

"Kinda. I could tell he was nervous about something when he entered. He came and sat down, didn't say anything for a while and I spoke up saying 'What's up?' He took a deep breathe, fidgeting with his fingers. He said 'You like me with your daughter, right? You never really gave me the dating my daughter talk. I just want to make sure.' I just looked at him, almost afraid he was going to do something he would regret in the future. I spoke up 'Christian, there is a reason I never gave you that talk. I knew that you meant good. I can see how much you care for her and how happy you make her. Why are you asking me all of a sudden?'" I speak up before he continues. 

"Really? You never gave him the 'dating my daughter talk?" He shakes his head. 

"I knew he meant good for you. I trust him." I smile at my dad. "Anyway, he stayed quiet for a while, so I spoke up. I asked 'You're not breaking up with her are you?' He looked up so fast that I swear he could've broke his neck." I laughed as well as my dad. "He then was like 'No, never. I just.' He blew a breathe out of his mouth. 'I want to ask you if I have permission to marry your daughter Craig?' My eyes went wide. One for him asking my permission and second because I never ever heard him call me Craig." He laughs and I join him. "It took me a while to answer him. I knew he was getting scared. His leg started to bounce and the fidgeting of the fingers didn't stop. 'First off stop with the fidgeting of your fingers and the bouncing of your leg, it's annoying.' I told him straight out. I then said, 'Second, do you have the ring yet?' He nodded, reaching down to his bag to grab it. He flipped it open and set it on my desk. I grabbed it and admired it. I thought to myself that it was perfect for you. I looked up at him, he still looked nervous. 'Yes,' was all I said. He straightened up in the chair, hands on his knees. 'Really?' He asked. 'No.' I responded back to him, just to mess with him." He smirked. "You should've seen how sad and disappointed he got, I thought he was going to cry." 

"Dad! You're horrible." He shrugged. 

"It's whatever." I just looked at him. He smiled in return. "I then said 'Kidding. This is ring is 100% her. You are good for her. I am glad she has you in her life. You have changed her. So, yes you have my blessing Christian.' He then let out the biggest sigh I have ever heard. I chuckled at him. 'You had me scared there for a second there Craig.' I smile at him. 'I won't let you down with this.' He said. I replied to him 'I know you won't. I don't know if Andrea told you this but if you were to ever hurt her I will trade you.' He told me that you did tell him that. I got up out of my chair and met him on the other side. He was going in for a hand shake but I pulled him into a hug. 'You're a part of my family now Christian, no more hand shakes.' He returns with a smile. Little did he know I still had the ring. He went to go grab his bag. He patted his pockets in a panic. 'Looking for this?' I ask him, holding up the box. He smiles and grabs its. 'Thanks.' I nod at him and he makes his way to the door. 'Hey Christian?' He looks back and I continue. 'Welcome back.' He smiles. 'Thanks.' He replied and then walked out." I get up out of my chair and make my way to his side of the desk. I pop myself in his lap and wrap my arms around his neck. 

Wildflower | Christian Yelich ✔Where stories live. Discover now