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I'm sitting on the couch watching reruns of Chicago PD. I'm so involved in the show that I don't hear the door open and someone enter until I feel the couch dip. Turning I see my dad.

"Hey, how was the road trip?"

"What you didn't watch any of the games?"

"That's not what I meant."

"It's just like any other road trip. Nothing exciting happened though. You should come on the next road trip with us."

"I would like that." I smile at him and he returns it, but it dies quickly. I can tell he still isn't happy with me.

"So, what is it you wanted to tell me."

"Right... Umm... I have a boyfriend." I look at the TV, not wanting to make eye contact with him.

"Oh, do I know him?"



"What?" I turn my head so fast, I could've broken my neck.

He laughs, "What? I'm observant."

"So, you're not mad? What about the whole being mad at me the other day for going over to his house and not telling you?"

"A little bit but I know he is good for you. I got over that, I have to remember you aren't a teenager anymore, so you don't exactly have to tell me where you go." I smile. "But aren't you rushing it? I mean you guys only met about a month ago?"

"Ha, funny story."


"Umm, I've know him since October 2017..." I turn away, again.

"What?! You've been dating that long?" Now he sounded angry.

"NO! Calm down. Please let me explain." I look at him and he nods. "I was in Malibu hanging out with a few friends in October. We rented out a beach house. I woke up one morning to go for a run. On my way back to the house I stopped for some coffee. I ordered and was waiting for it. My name was called, so I go and grab it, I turned around and started walking to the door when this guy bumps into me, making me spill my coffee over me." His eyes widen. "Dad, you know me, it was iced coffee." He relaxes and nods to continue. "So, he apologizes over and over again and offers to buy me a new and I told him it was no big deal, but he insisted. As we wait for both of our coffees we got talking. We both got our coffees and walked out together. He asked where I was staying and I told him and he offered to walk me back because our house was on the way to his house. We stopped in front of our rental house and we exchanged numbers. We talked ever since that day."


"Yeah, he told me that when I came back this year that his feelings for me came back."

"His feelings?" He asked.

"Yeah, he told me a couple of days ago that he liked me before I went back to Nashville in earlier 2018 and they were still there throughout the year but nothing really sparked them back expect me coming back."

Wildflower | Christian Yelich ✔Where stories live. Discover now