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@moosetacos8, @brewers, @jackcounsell,
@aleciayelich, @kanebrown_music and 136,489 others


Almost there...
P.S. Christian is blocked from this post
#CounsellToYelich #WeddingDay

@username1: AND IT'S HERE!!! The day we all have been waiting for!!! 

@brewersfan1: Her dress😍😍😍

@brewersfan2: OMG!!! Let the pictures begin!!! 

@username2: I may or may not be hyperventilating

@carrieunderwood: Gorgeous😍 

@baseballfan1: The day has come!

@lukebryan: My daughter is all grown up
@andreacounsell: I love you 😊

@baseballfan2: Patiently waiting for the name change... 


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@andreacounsell, @brewers, @bakermayfield,
@sophiaminnaert and 155,390 others


Wedding ready

@username1: Damn Yeli

@brewersfan1: Holy shit Yeli

@baseballfan1: This picture is pure gold 

@andreacounsell: Damnn, you look damn good😘😘
@christianyelich: Only for you😉😉

@username2: I don't think I will be able to handle this wedding

@brewersfan2: The lighting in the picture is on point

@username3: Okay I need to see all the pictures NOW!!! 


Liked by @christianyelich, @lukebryan, @brewers, @finely_counsell, @kelseaballerni, @yazmaniandvl, @sophiaminnaert and 139,803 others

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@finely_counsell, @kelseaballerni, @yazmaniandvl,
@sophiaminnaert and 139,803 others


Today I married not only my best friend but the love of my life. I cannot wait to begin our new life together. You complete me. You are my soulmate. I do not know what I would do without you. Thanks for bumping into me that day and making me spill my coffee. I love you with all my heart and I will till the day I die. 
#CounsellToYelich #NameChange #WeddingDay

@username1: THE NAME CHANGE!!! 

@brewersfan1: I love this

@baseballfan1: 😭😭😭 Y'all are too damn adorable 

@baseballfan2: This is goals!! 

@username2: Forever my favorite couple!!

@christianyelich: I love you forever♥
@andreayelich: 😘😘

@brewersfan2: Name change!!

@username3: You both look amazing!!!

@baseballfan3: I can't wait for more pictures!! 

@larisafbraun: By far one of my favorite weddings I have attended! I love you both! ♥♥
@andreayelich: 😘😘

@brewersfan3: Okay, make me cry over here😭😭


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@brewers, @josh.hader, @jacobnottingham,
@cody_bellinger and 158,390 others

Comments disabled 

Today is a day we've been waiting forever for. You finally have my last name and it fits you damn well. Andrea Kristine I love you will my entire heart. You are my world. I will love you for eternity.



Well here it is!! This should, technically, be end of the book, but I will be writing two bonus chapters. I will try my hardest to get those out ASAP but with what I have planned for them, it might take a little while. 

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