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Liked by @molly.ann@christianyelich,
@finely_counsell, @cyelich@chaseanderson87 and 52,388 others


Godmommy duties ✔

@username1: OMG!!! Baby fever!! 

@finely_counsell: You know, you didn't have to hog him all day...
@andreacounsell: You're just a cousin sooo
@finely_counsell: WOW. Rude, much??
@andreacounsell: 🤷‍♀️

@brewersfan1: Andrea being salty AF

@stephymoose: Look at that cutie pie!!! 

@molly.ann: My baby!! ❤❤

@baseballfan1: Patiently waiting for a Yelich off-spring like...
💟@username1, @brewersfan3, @baseballfan2@username2 and 498 others


I'm lying down on the couch at Christian's place with Danny sleeping on my chest and Harley at my feet. I spent most of the day by my parents, so my siblings could spent time with him and for my mom to see him as well, when she came home from work.  Molly and Jake are at a wedding in Florida and didn't want to take him with so I got the honors of watching him. 

Around midnight I hear the door unlock, causing me to wake up, Harley pops up and jumps off the couch to meet Christian as he walks in. 

"Hey girl. I missed you too." Christian says in a whisper. He takes his shoes off and makes his way to living room. I sit up slightly and smile at him. 

"Hey. Did you guys win?"

"What you didn't watch the game?" 

"I did but I fell asleep." He shakes his head. He lifts my feet up, sits down and puts my feet in his lap.

"Yeah. If you say you fell asleep then you missed the big ending."

"Which was?" 

"Oh you know. Just me hitting a walk-off grand slam. No big deal but." I slowly sit up, careful not to wake up Danny. 

"Really? Wow, you're good." He chuckles a little. 

"That's what I do. Where do you have his pack-and-play set up?" 

"Your room. Molly says he sleeps pretty well through the night. Usually wakes up between 6 and 7. I fed and changed him at the top of the 7th inning, I think, so hopefully he doesn't wake up through the night." He nods. 

"So did you see that one comment a fan said on your post about your godmommy duties?" I look at him confused and shook my head. 

"No, why what did the they?" He pulls his phone out of his pocket. 

"Some fan said 'Patiently waiting for a Yelich off-spring like dot dot dot. There's almost 500 likes on it." He shows me the comment. I shake my head. 

"Fans will be fans." He nods, agreeing. "Ready for bed?" He nods again. We both get up from the couch and make our way to his bedroom. Christian goes to get changed while I put Danny in his pack-and-play, I then get changed. 

We both get settled in bed, Harley jumps up and lies down by our feet and we sleep the night away. 

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