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Once I get his address, I plug it into Google Maps and see he only lives 10 minutes from me, well my dad. I walk down to hall to his room and his door is closed, meaning he is asleep. Making my way to the front door, I grab my keys and slowly open the door, shut it behind me and lock it. I make my way to the parking garage, get in my car and make the 10 minute drive to his condo. 

I find a spot on the side of the road and pay the parking meter for 1 hour.  I walk into the condominium complex building, head to the elevator and press floor 10. Getting out, I make my way to his door. As I approach his door, I take a few deep breathes before knocking. About 1 minute later I am about to knock again but the door opens. 

"What are you doing here?" Christian, who is shirtless and in basketball shorts, asks.

"Umm, can I come in? Please?" He just looks at me and I think he's going to say no but he moves aside, a silent come in. I make my way in his condo.

"Wow, this is nice."

"Yeah. It does its job."

I turn to look at him. We make eye contact for who knows how long. His apartment is dark besides the TV that is on. His face looks so good from the light from the TV. I don't know what to say to him, I'm too starstruck. So, I do something I would never ever do in my life. I walk the five feet that stands in between us, put my hands on his neck, pull him closer to me and I place my lips on his. He automatically follows my lead, without hesitation, kissing me back and wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me as close to him as he can. He is the one to pull away. He rests his forehead against mine. We are both out of breath from our make out session. 

"Wow." He breathes out.

"Yeah." I pull back to look him in the eyes. I bring my left hand up to run it through his hair and I pull him into a hug. We stand there in the middle of his condo, hugging, for what seems like eternity but in reality is only a couple minutes. Christian then speaks up, with his head buried in my neck. 

"Is this why you left me on read?" He chuckles as he asks.

"Yeah, kinda. I had to get your address first." He laughs. 

"Who'd you get it from?"



"After you got traded, why didn't you tell me?" He pulls away and looks at me.

"I didn't know if you felt the same and I didn't want to ruin our friendship."

"Are you for real?" He looks at me. "To be honest, when I left to go back to Nashville that year, I didn't want to."



"Me? Why me?"

"Because," I look down to the floor, then look up and take a deep breath, "I love you Christian." He looks at me with no expression then he smiles and pulls me into a kiss. We are both smiling as we do. 

"I love you too Andrea." He says after he pulls away. I smile at him. "Andrea," I look him dead in the eye. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Wildflower | Christian Yelich ✔Where stories live. Discover now