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Here it is! Well the first part. I decided to split the wedding into two separate chapters for how long I got this, which it is almost 3000 words! This first part contains the morning and the ceremony of their wedding. The next chapter will contain the reception, which will probably be shorter then this one. As for when the next chapter will be out, I don't know. I will try my hardest to get it out ASAP. I will try and not make it more then a month, I promise. 

I hope you guys all enjoy this! I also had help with the ceremony with some research. 


Morning of Wedding

-Andrea's P.O.V.-

I woke up in Christian's old bedroom. Why you might ask? Well Alecia was kind enough to have all of the bridesmaids and I overnight and get ready here. Christian and the groomsmen are at his house. 

I can't believe that this day has finally come. I have been dreaming of this day since I was a little girl. Finding the perfect man. Having my dream wedding. Having the best friends and family a girl could ask for. There is just one thing missing. My mother. I know my mom will be here but not in the form I want her to be. I know that she is proud of me and she wants what is best for me. And I know she is looking down. 

I was too lost in my thoughts, the sound of the door opening startled me. 

"Oh you are awake." I glare at Finley. "Hey, just making sure. Alecia is in the process of making us breakfast. She told me to make sure you are up and showered. And you have one of those completed." She walks into the room and sits on the bed next to me. "You okay?" She asks, concerned, as she notices tears in my eyes. I shrug.

"I just wish mom was here." Fin wraps her arm around my shoulder and pulls me into her. 

"Trust me sis, we all do. But know that she is proud of you. You know that she is watching down on you, on all of us." She wipes my tears. "Now get up and go shower, you've got a big day ahead of you." She pats my shoulder and walks outs, shutting the door behind her. I pull the covers away and get out of bed. I grab my wedding day undergarments and robe that Kelsea got custom made for me and the bridesmaids, Alecia too. I head to Christian's bathroom to shower. 

I arrive downstairs and walk into the kitchen. Kelsea is the first one to notice me and she squeals, coming towards me. 

"There she is! I'm so excited!" She gives me a hug. I smile. Everyone gets their chance to hug me. 

"Breakfast is almost ready. The hairdresser and makeup artists will be here in a little over an hour ladies." Alecia announces. 


-Christian's P.O.V.-

One moment I was asleep peacefully and next I am awoken by ice cold water getting dumped on me. I jerk up in my bed. 

"What the fuck!" I yell. I open my eyes to see Giancarlo laughing hysterically. "Real funny."

"You weren't waking up so this was the only way possible. Ryan left about 15 minutes ago to pick up the tuxes. Brady and Jack went to go get breakfast cause none of us wanted to cook. Now get your lazy ass up and go shower. You smell like a sewer." I throw one of my pillows at him and he closes the door. 

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