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(no ring on her left hand)

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(no ring on her left hand)

Liked by @brewers@aleciayelich@kelesaballerini@stephymoose,
@christianyelich, @larisafbraun, @yazmaniandvl
@camyeli, @b_woodruff24, @ericthames and 49,389 others


Where do I start? Coming home last year was probably the best decision of my life. I know I would meet you again after not seeing each other for a couple of years, but I didn't know it would end the way it did. Yes, we have know each other longer than I've been in Milwaukee for. We bumped into each other, literally, in a coffee shop in Malibu, October of 2017, and have been talking ever since. Coming back to Milwaukee in 2019 changed my life forever. It sparked something between us to draw us together. Now here we are in 2020, friends for a little over 2 years, dating for 1 year today, have a not so little puppy and living our best lives together. You are my rock Christian Stephen. You have been there for me when I needed you to be. You are the best thing that has ever happen to me. I love you so much Christian Stephen Yelich. Happy 1 Year Anniversary. ❤

@username1: Excuse me while I bawl my eyes out😭😭

@brewersfan1: ❤❤❤

@sophiaminnaert: My loves!!!! I love you guys so much, don't forget that!!! ❤
💟@christianyelich and @andreacounsell

@username2: My heart can't handle this 😭

@larisafbraun: ❤❤
💟@christianyelich and @andreacounsell

@hater1: How has this relationship lasted this long?? 

@baseballfan1: BEST COUPLE EVER!!!! 

@aleciayelich: Thank you for making Christian the happiest he has ever been!! ❤❤
@andreacounsell: ❤❤❤
@christianyelich: Really mom??

@brewersfan2: Y'all are the cutest!!!! 

@christianyelich: I love you forever baby ❤
@andreacounsell: I love you baby ❤

@username3: Alecia's comment with Christian's reply🙏

@username4: 😍😍😍

@giancarlo818: How can you still be dating this fool???
@andrecounsell: Shut up G...
@christianyelich: What are you taking about?? I'm great
@giancarlo818: Yeah, okay. You just keep telling yourself that!

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