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I'm sitting in my seat minding my own business when a certain someone *cough* Ryan Braun *cough* starts to bother me.
"Andrea... Andrea... Anndreeaa... Annnnndreeeeaaaa... Andy... Annnnnndreeeeaaaa.."
"Geez no need to yell I'm right here." I roll my eyes at him. "Come down here."
"Why? Can't you see I'm comfortable where I am? Watching from a distance."
"C'mon. You have to show the guys that you still got your swing, because I know you do."
"How do you know if I do or not?"
"Because I just do. Now c'mon show the guys up."
"But I don't want to move."
"You lazy ass." I glare at him, silently giving him the 'really bitch' face. "Okay, sorry didn't mean to call you lazy or an ass, but please c'mon down here."
I look at him thinking if I should. "Fine."
"Yes!!" I roll my eyes at his excitement.
I make my way to the field while Ryan goes who knows where. I wait for him by the top of the dugout. He comes back shortly with a bat.
"Here you go, your bat."
"Now let's go show them what you got." I nod agreeing with him.

We head to the turtle, which is currently unoccupied as batting practice is almost over, everyone is scattered in the dugout and on the field. Ryan goes to the net to throw the balls to me while I go head to home plate.
"You ready?" He asks.
"Ready as ever." I smile. I can feel everyone's eyes on me, including my dads. Ryan throws the first ball, I don't swing because I want a feel for it first. He throws the second one I step and swing and the ball soars into center field. It makes it about halfway to the center field wall, from the air, but takes a couple of bounces to make it to the wall. I smile, impressed with myself and ready to continue. Ryan continues to throw balls at me and I continue to hit them to center, left and right. After about 5 minutes my dad walks up.
"Okay bunny I think you've impressed all the guys." I look at him confused but look further behind him and see everyone is looking at me, impressed with my swing.
"Um, I..."
My dad smiles at me, "I hate to cut you short but the grounds crew has to get the field ready."
"Right." I turn to Ryan, "thanks this was fun."
He smiles as me as he walks up to me, putting an arm around my shoulder. "Sure no problem it was cool to see everyone's reaction to how hard you can hit the ball" I smile at him.


Liked by @travis

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Liked by @travis.shaw21, @chperez02, @brewers, @moosetacos8 and 15,893 others

🎆walk-off's are the way to go🎆

@username1: walk-offs are the best!!
@moostacos8: 👏👏
@kanebrown_music: your love for baseball is incredible
@andreacounsell: 😊😊 you know it
@username2: Brewers for the win 🙌
@username3: Gatorade dumps 👌👌
@ericthames: Brew-Crew for the win
@username4: Andrea's love for baseball is so sweet. Her supporting her dad is amazing!

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