536 8 0

Liked by @sophiaminnaert, @lukecombs, @aleciayelich, @carrieunderwood, @christianyelich, @finley_counsell and 117,389 others

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Liked by @sophiaminnaert@lukecombs@aleciayelich
@carrieunderwood, @christianyelich,
@finley_counsell and 117,389 others


Only five more days until I get to call you mine forever
#FiveDays #CounsellToYelich

@username1: ‼‼‼‼

@baseballfan1: My favorites!!! 😍😍

@brewersfan1: I can't wait! 

@username2: She makes him so happy!! 

@aleciayelich: ♥♥♥♥
@andreacounsell: ♥♥♥♥

@brewersfan2: They are my favorite couple that I have ever seen! 

@christianyelich: Can't wait to call you my wife🥰
@andreacounsell: And I can't wait to call you my husband🥰

@baseballfan2: ⬆⬆⬆ Okay you guys.. Go break my heart with your cuteness

@username3: They get cuter every time


Liked by @giancarlo818, @andreacounsell, @moosetacos8, @cody_bellinger, @camyeli, @bakermayfield, @larisafbraun and 131,289 others

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Liked by @giancarlo818@andreacounsell@moosetacos8,
@cody_bellinger, @camyeli, @bakermayfield,
@larisafbraun and 131,289 others


My favorite girl

@username1: AHHHH!!!

@username2: Christian!! 🥰🥰

@baseballfan1: Never would have thought Christian would turn out to be like this

@brewersfan1: Andrea brings out the best of him

@baseballfan2: This couple gives me heart problems, good heart problems

@andreacounsell: 😘😘😘
@christianyelich: 😘😘

@brewersfan2: Love this! 

@moosetacos8: You are so whipped Yeli😂
@andreacounsell and 579 others
: Rude

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