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Liked by @packers@aaronrodgers12@christianyelich
@davidbakhtiari@aleciayelich and 28,930 others


Go Pack Go!!! 💚🏈💛
#ChristiansFirstPackerGame #10degreesF
📍Lambeau Field

@username1: He looks cold... 
@christianyelich: thats because i am
@brewersfan1: Breaking Christian into the Wisconsin traditions!!!
@aaronrodgers12: Welcome to my field MVP
@christianyelich: Thanks MVP
@packersfan1: They got to chug beers here now!! 🍻🍻
@username2: GO PACK GO!!!
@aleciayelich: How can you possible be there when it's that cold out???
@christianyelich: It's called layers mom, ask Andrea
@andreacounsell: Layers are the way to go!!



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Liked by @andreacounsell, @brewers, @aaronrodgers12, @packers, @davidbakhtiari and 193,720 others

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Liked by @andreacounsell@brewers@aaronrodgers12
@packers@davidbakhtiari and 193,720 others


It started snowing at halftime.❄❄❄
#ChristiansFirstPackerGame #10degreesF #IGiveYouCreditLambeau #FrozenTundra
📍Lambeau Field

@username1: What a crazy game!!!
@username2: Welcome to Wisconsin Christian!!
@andreacounsell: Gotta love Wisconsin!!!
: A turn of events!
@aaronrodgers12: What a way to experience Lambeau!
💟@christianyelich and @andreacounsell
: Wisconsin sports at it's finest! 
@aleciayelich: I would definitely have left after it started snowing!
@andreacounsell: C had to experience what the Frozen Tundra actually is!! 
@christianyelich: 😑😑
@davidbakhtiari: Always got to stay when it's snowing out! 
💟@christianyelich and @andreacounsell 


@aaronrodgers12 has followed @andreacounsell 

@davidbakhtiari has followed @andreacounsell 

@andreacounsell has followed @aaronrodgers12 and @davidbakhtiari

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