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Liked by @sophiaminnaert, @christianyelich, @moosetacos8, @brewers, @carrieunderwood, @lucyhale and 38,892 others

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Liked by @sophiaminnaert@christianyelich@moosetacos8
@brewers@carrieunderwood@lucyhale and 38,892 others


JACKSON!! How can you be 15 already?!? Happy Birthday you nerd!!! ❤

@username1: Happy birthday Jack!!

@sophiaminnaert: Happy Birthday Jackson!!! 

@baseballfan1: HBD!!!! 

@jackcounsell: Really?! You had to put a heart? You're gross but thanks sis!! I guess I love you too!
@andreacounsell: Shut up Jack! 

@brewersfan1: HBD!!!

@brewers: Happy birthday to a younger version of Craig!!! 
@jackcounsell: Please don't compare me to my dad but thanks! 



This is just a little filler chapter. The next chapter is going to be huge! I'm really excited for it. I may post it yet tonight if not, it will probably be tomorrow! 

Thank you everyone who is reading and leaving likes!! I really appreciate it and I hope you are enjoying the story!!

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