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Liked by @lukecombs, @sophiaminnaert, @christianyelich, @hardy, @ericthames, @brady_c, @zdevin, @josh

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Liked by @lukecombs, @sophiaminnaert@christianyelich,
@hardy, @ericthames, @brady_c,
@zdevin, @josh.hader and 102,389 others


New song out with these fine folks! Go check it out. Link in bio
👥@hardy, @zdevin 

@username1: Country music has missed you♥

@baseballfan1: This song is 🔥🔥🔥

@countryfan1: Glad to have you back! 

@brewersfan1: I have a a new jam!! 

@username2: Love this!!! 

@brewersfan2: This song is pure gold!! 

@username3: New jam alert!!! 


The crew has a rare off day between home series today. Christian and I decided to spend the day at the lake with Harley. We pack a bag and a cooler, load up my jeep and head to the lake. We arrive and find a spot to park. Harley jumps out of the trunk as soon as I open it. She doesn't run off. She is a very good dog and never runs off. Christian grabs the cooler and chairs and I grab the bag that contains our towels, blankets and other "beach day" needs. I shut the trunk and lock my car and we make our way and find a spot to set up our stuff. Harley stays by us until we are all set up even though she wants to get into the water. We finish setting up and I grab a ball from the bag and Harley's tail goes crazy. I through the ball into the lake and she takes off. I turn and smile at Christian. He returns the smile, grabs my hand and we walk toward the water. Harley returns to us, ball in mouth. She drops it and Christian throws it. We take turns throwing the ball before we return to our blanket that we set up. Christian pulls out the sandwiches we prepared and some cut up fruit. We give Harley a dish of water as she is worn out. While we eat, we talk about some finishing touches on the wedding. Yes, we planned the whole wedding together with the help from our parents but we did most of it.

"When we are in L.A. for the three game series after the all-star break, we are going to the bakery to finalize what cupcake flavors we want." I say to him, he nods.

"How much other stuff is there left to finalize?" 

"Not a whole lot. We have everything. We just gotta figure out where we are going to go and take pictures, when we are going to go and set up the venue and what we are going to do for a rehearsal dinner." 

"I can't believe we are almost there. It feels just like yesterday that I got you back into my life. I can't wait for you to be my wife." He smiles at me and I return it. 

"I know right. I can't wait for you to be my husband." I smile once again. I grab his face in my hands and I pull him in for a kiss. "I love you." 

"And I love you. So damn much." He pecks my lips and we enjoy the rest of the day together. Us and Harley. My beautiful little family that I can't wait to add too. 



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Liked by @cooper

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Liked by @cooper.yelich@kelseaballerini@laurengamel_,
@christianyelich, @jacobnottingham, @cyelich,
@brady_c and 102,378 others


An off day spent well with my two favorites

@username1: 😍😍😍

@username2: Such a cute little family 

@brewersfan1: I can't wait for Andrea's name change 

@baseballfan1: Y'all are family goals

@christianyelich: 😘😘
@andreacounsell: 😘😘

@brewersfan2: Parents! 

@username3: Harley looks so upset 😟

@baseballfan2: My lovess 

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