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Okay so this is a long chapter so... ENJOY!


I was lying down in bed as Christian showered, admiring my ring, Harley lying across my stomach. I can't believe I'm getting married to my best friend. Never having the best relationships in the past, I can say I succeeded at one, that may sound bad but it's true. My life is about to change forever and I can't stop smiling about it and replaying my day over. 

*Beginning of the day, May 23rd, 2020*

I wake up feeling Christian get out of bed. He walks into his bathroom to get ready for his game, which is an afternoon one. Yes, I'm at his condo. No, I don't live with him. I like spending as much time with him as possible as I can't always go on the road with them. I decided to get out of bed and make breakfast, feeding Harley before I start anything. Did I mention that it is Christian and I's 1 year anniversary? Well it is and I can't believe it. 

I get to the kitchen and pull the necessities out of the fridge and cupboards to make chocolate chip pancakes with eggs and bacon, one of Christian's favorites. I on the radio and get started. I plate everything once it's done and set the table. Christian isn't quit done getting ready so I go on my phone and go on Instagram to post. By the time I posted it, Christian came out of his bedroom. 

"Damn, if I could wake up to this everyday I would." He says, with a smile, and I look up at him, also with smile. I get up from my spot and walk up to him. I put my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. 

"Happy anniversary."  I say as I pull away. 

"Really? That's today?" I slap him across the shoulder, with playful glare on my face. "Kidding! Of course I know it's today. Happy anniversary babe." He pulls me in for another kiss. We make our way to the table and eat. We eat in a peaceful silence with the radio in the background and the sound of Harley chewing on her bone. 

I finish my plate before Christian, which is surprising, and I walk into his bedroom to my duffel bag to get his present. I walk back out and see Christian is typing what looks to be a story on his phone. A few seconds later my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the notification, which is from Instagram "@christianyelich tagged you in a post." Opening it and reading I smile. 

"Really? You would copy and paste?" He jumps slightly and turns around. He smiles. 

"Didn't you read it? I said I was kidding. But seriously how the hell was I suppose to come up with something after what you wrote?"

"Well you did so."

"Do be sassy with me." I smirk at him. I make my way back to the table and  sit in his lap, as his chair is pushed out slightly. 

"Happy anniversary." I say sitting down, kissing his lips and handing him his present. 

"Babe..." He looks up and me with an affection look in his eyes. He unwraps it and I know he instantly recognizes the box. He drops his head backwards for a few seconds. He lifts his head with tears in his eyes. "You didn't have to get me this. Babe."  He drops his head forward, wiping his tears with his right hand. I put both my hands on his face to lift it up, placing my thumbs under his eyes to wipe his tears. I'm also getting teary eyed as I have never seen Christian cry like this before. Yes, even when he broke his kneecap, he didn't cry, well not around me at least. 

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