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Liked by @sophiaminnaert, @chaseanderson87, @marenmorris, @mirandalambert and 17,579 others298 comments

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Liked by @sophiaminnaert@chaseanderson87@marenmorris
@mirandalambert and 17,579 others

Houston, you are going to have a problem...

@bengamel24: it's about time you join us
@username1: lucky!!!
@username2: I wish I could travel with the brewers!!
@carrieunderwood: have fun!!!
: everyone beware, trouble awaits you!
@andreacounsell: you calling me trouble? how dare you
@sophiaminnaert: finally!! i will have someone to talk to that's not a guy 🙏🙏
@andreacounsell: you're welcome 😊😊
@brewersfan1: how i would love to go on a road trip with them!!
@brewersfan2: let's hope they do good
@hater1: Andrea is going to be bad luck... i can already see it


Liked by @brewers, @bandersonpxp, @christianyelich, @kestdaddy, @sophiaminnaert, @andrecounsell and 876 others 101 comments

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Liked by @brewers@bandersonpxp@christianyelich@kestdaddy
@sophiaminnaert, @andrecounsell and 876 others 

Um, a plane is not a beauty salon
Sophia don't take my best friend away

@sophiaminnert: she's MY best friend Chase
@chaseanderson87: excuse you
@moosetacos8: 😂😂😂
: you got competition bro 😂
@username1: i love this
@andreacounsell: calm down Chase, no need to get your panties in a twist
💟@sophiaminnaert@moosetacos@bengamel24@jhader17@christianyelich and
8 others
@chaseanderson87: why am I getting attacked??
@brewerfans1: OMG!!!
@b_woodruff24: i love that we talk on here and not in person when we all are sitting within 20 feet of each other 🤣🤣
💟@andreacounsell@christianyelich@brewers@ericthames and 13 others


Liked by @chaseanderson87, @christianyelich, @lukecombs, @maddieandtae, @brewers and 19,873 others456 comments

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Liked by @chaseanderson87@christianyelich@lukecombs
@maddieandtae@brewers and 19,873 others

I do her hair and then she falls asleep on me... 😟😟

@username1: i love these friendships
@brewersfan1: can i become friends with them for 1 day? that's all i ask
@chaseanderson87: now come sit by me and do my hair
@andreacounsell: you don't even have the hair....
@yazmaniandvl: @chaseanderson87 you and your obsession with being her best friend
@chaseanderson87: 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ no shame
@christianyelich: no she'll come by me, please do Cain fell asleep..
@andreacounsell: 😊
@moosetacos8: #candrea
@manuelpina28: #candrea
@adrianhouser12: #candrea
@bengamel24: #candrea
@username2: 😂😂
@brewersfan2: this is amazing


Liked by @stephymoose, @yazmaniandvl, @brewers, @chaseanderson87 and 11,437 others287 comments

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Liked by @stephymoose@yazmaniandvl@brewers, @chaseanderson87 and 11,437 others

👥@christianyelich, @andreacounsell

@ericthames: OTP! OTP!
@chaseanderson87: my best friend 😟
@yazmaniandvl: #candrea
@chperez02: #candrea
@bengamel24: #candrea
@brewersfan1: #candrea
@username1: #candrea
@username2: i love this!
@brewersfan2: they are adorable!!
@hater1: she's just using him
@username3@hater1 please leave
@brewers: #CANDREA

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