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Christian and I are on the beach off of his Malibu house playing with Harley. 

"So," I turn to Christian. "Have you thought on who you want as your bridesmaids yet?" 

"Yeah, I have a list. Hard to narrow down because I don't want that many people, maybe only four or five. I don't understand why people have so many people standing up." He nods and grabs the ball Harley brought back to us and threw it. "Have you?" He nods again. 

"I do. Who do you all got?" 

"My sisters, obviously, Sophia, Larisa and Kelsea as my maid of honor or matron of honor since she is married."

"Your not having one of your sisters your maid of honor?" 

"Heck no. I don't need them biting at each others necks. It would be a disaster, trust me." He nods. "You?" I grab the ball this time and throw it. 

"Um, my brothers, your brothers, Ryan, Baker and Giancarlo. I was thinking having one of your brothers and one of mine be the ushers?" I nod. 

"Good idea. Brady can be the usher, he's more of the people person. He can make conversation easier then Jack can. Wait, what about football with Baker?" He nods. 

"Colin is the same way. Cam is more quiet, like me. He'll take off for me." I nod.

"Who's gonna be your best man? Ryan or Baker?" He throws the ball for Harley. 

"I don't know yet. It's going to be hard." I nod. 

"I was thinking November 20th. It's in the middle of November." He nods. 

"Sounds good. I was looking into this and there is this outdoor/indoor venue thing, south of here, about 15 minutes or so, that I think would be great. The inside holds up to 350 people. It has glass sliding doors that lead to an outside part that has a fire pit. I think you would really like it." 

"Sounds perfect." 

"And there is a hotel not far from it either." I nod. We sit in the sand and watch Harley roll and play in the sand. 

"I was thinking, we could get married here. Just close family here that's it. I think we should have someone marry us not a pastor." He looks at me. 

"Not a pastor? What about you being, you know, religious and all?"

"I'm not that religious babe. I want this to be fun and entertaining, different. We could get the marriage license from the court house and have someone take the class online and marry us." 

"Who were you thinking?" 

"To be honest. To make it entertaining, Lo." I laugh. 

"You serious?" 

"100%. Think about it. He's a character. I think he would make it entertaining. Besides, he fangirls over us all the time so why not." He laughs, nodding. 

"True. Let's do that." I smile. I lean into Christian and he wraps his arm around me. Harley then attacks us and we play with her for a while before making our way inside to make dinner. We eat and I get my notebook out and write down our ideas we have right now. Whose paired with who, who is marring us, who the ushers are, etc. 

"I figure tomorrow we can call the owners of venue to book it and the hotel to reserve rooms and what not." I nod. "We can also figure out food and everything." 

"Who needs a wedding planner? We got this." I hold my knuckle out. 

"Yes we do." He bumps his knuckle against mine, both of us smiling. We make our way to the living room and sit on the couch. Harley follows us and jumps on the couch. She lays down on Christian's lap and has her head is in my lap. I lean into Christian as I start petting Harley. Christian turns the T.V. on to a random movie and we watch it in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each others presence. Christian sneaks his arm between my back and the couch and he rests his hand on my hip, tracing little patterns. I fell asleep sometime during the movie because I feel Harley getting lifted off of me and Christian picking me up, carrying me up the stairs. He sets me down on his bed and walks away to his closet. He returns a few seconds later, undresses me and puts on some sleepwear. He goes into his bathroom to do whatever. I smile to myself, boy do I love this man. November 20th of next year can't come fast enough. 


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Happy birthday to this wonderful women! I don't know what I would do without you. ♥

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