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I woke up the next morning on the couch. I grab my phone and I have tons of messages. I was so confused for a second, as this was the first thing my eyes saw before fulling waking up, as a replay of last night quickly rushes into my head I quickly remember.

Kaney Browny💩
So sorry to hear about Christian. Sending prayers!
Sent 7:49 am

Father Bryan🔫🎣💖
Prayers to my daughter's boy! Hoping for a fast recovery!
Sent 8:32 am

Carrie Bear🐨
Oh honey. Send Christian my love! We are all sending prayers his way.
Sent 8:43 am

Alex Russo 🧙‍♂️
Sorry to hear about Christian! Send him my prayers!
Sent 8:55 am

Marrey Borris🐗
Prayers for Christian!
Sent 9:02 am

Aria Montgomery🤫
Christian is in my prayers!
Sent 9:28 am

Raptor Man🦖
Sending Christian prayers!! 
Sent 9:48 am

Maddie Marlows⭐
Praying for a fast recovery for Christan!
Sent 9:51 am

Kelsea Besterini👯‍♀️
Prayers honey!! Send Christian my love!!
Sent 10:05 am

This is only a handful of the messages I got. I send each and everyone of them a thank you and telling them I will show Christian them. After that I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. I'm just about done getting ready when my phone rings, I answer without looking at who it is.

(Andrea is bold)



"Christian! How are you? Wait that's a stupid question to ask." 

"Eh. I've been better. But I do have good news though." 

"What's the news?"

"I don't have to get surgery."

"That's good. Wait when did you get to Milwaukee?"

"Um, a couple of hours ago."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"Because I went straight to the doctors with the trainer for further evaluation and I didn't want to wake you up."

"I wouldn't have minded."

"Yes you would've, you hate getting up early."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

"I know, I'm always right."

"Hey, that's my line!"

"Not anymore."

"Anyway, what's up?"

"Um, did you eat yet?"

"No, why?"

"Well would you want to stop and get some breakfast and come by me? I'm so bored and I want some company."

"Yeah of course. Where do you want me to stop?"

"That little shop we went to on our date that one time. I'll place the order online and you can pick it up on your way over here."

"Okay sounds good. Wait how do you know what I want?"

"I don't, it's going to be a surprise."

"Not you too."

"What is it with you and surprises?"

"You know the answer to that question already."

"Quit being a baby. The order should be ready in about 10-15 minutes."

"Okay, I'm going to finished getting ready and head out. I love you bub."

"I love you too. See you in a little bit."



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Breakfast for two

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