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Liked by @kelseaballerini, @sophiaminnaert, @brady_c, @christianyelich, @yazmaniandvl, @lukebryan, @aleciayelich, @finely_counsell and 74,289 others

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Liked by @kelseaballerini@sophiaminnaert@brady_c
@christianyelich, @yazmaniandvl, @lukebryan,
@aleciayelich, @finely_counsell and 74,289 others


Had a fun day with this gal! ♥

@username1: Aw! They are so cute! 

@baseballfan1: Goals right there! 

@aleciayelich: ♥♥♥

@brewersfan1: 😍😍

@username2: Goals!! 

@christianyelich: Disappointed I wasn't invited...
@aleciayelich: It's called a girls day C
@andreacounsell: Meaning no boys allowed 

@brewersfan2: Oh Christian😂😂

@username3: It's obvious Christian doesn't understand the meaning of "girls day" 😂


Liked by @sophiaminnaert, @cooper

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Liked by @sophiaminnaert@cooper.yelich
@andreacounsell, @christianyelich,
@camyeli and 4,890 others


A day spent with this one♥

@username1: I love this! 

@baseballfan1: I love how well they get along together

@andreacounsell: ♥♥♥

@brewersfan1: Y'all so cutee 

@username2: Too cute!!


After Alecia and I's girls day, I am back with Christian at his house. We are in the living room playing Call of Duty against each other with Harley sleeping in the corner of the room on her bed. We were playing for about 30 minutes and my phone rings, I look at it, seeing it's my dad, I pick it up.

"Hey dad, what's up?" I ask, getting up off the couch and make my way outside for privacy. 

"Bunny, you need to come home now." My heart drops a little as I make it outside. It's hard to talk. 

"She was fine at the end of the season. What happened?" I ask, knowing exactly who he is talking about. 

"I don't know." He chokes out. "The doctors don't even have a clue how this happened so fast." 

"How long?" Dad stays silent. "Dad. How long?"

"Just get home as fast as you can." He says and he hangs up. I look down at my phone, squeeze it in my hand and bring it to my chest. I start to break down and I lean against the side of the house and slide down to the ground. I don't know how long it was until Christian walks out. He sits down next to me and pulls me into his chest, not asking anything. It takes me a while to catch my breath to speak. 

"I have to go back home." I can feel him nod. 

"Do you want me to come with? I can have mom watch Harley." I nod, burying myself deeper into his chest and cry my eyes out. I feel Christian shift as he gets his phone out to what I assume to text his mom. After a while his puts his phone back. He rubs up and down my back to try and comfort me. 

"Our flight is at 6 tonight and my mom will watch Harley." I nod. He picks me up and carries me into the house. He walks up the stairs and into his bedroom. He sets me down on the bed. "Get some sleep, I'll pack for us. I love you." I nod as he kisses my forehead and I fall into a deep sleep. 

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