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I never liked this day but I guess I'll post for you ❤


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@cody_bellinger, @giancarlo818, @yazmaniandvl and 199,730 others

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I found a way to make you smile on such a hard day ❤


Liked by @christianyelich, @carrieunderwood, @kelseaballerini, @aleciayelich, @stephymoose, @camyeli and 43,549 others

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Liked by @christianyelich@carrieunderwood@kelseaballerini
@aleciayelich@stephymoose, @camyeli and 43,549 others

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For the past 15 years, this day has always been hard. Being 10 at the time made it even harder.  We had a special relationship. You were one of my best friends growing up and that has never stopped. I didn't quite understand what was happening at the time at such a young age but as I got older I slowly understood that it was the right time for you. I was with you when you took your last breath. I remember calling out to you to wake up and with you not listening to me my mom pulled me away and explained what happened. I was devastated. I didn't want you gone. As years went on I always cherish the moments we shared. Valentine's Day is not a "day" I celebrate. Valentine's Day, to me, is a day where I think of you and wish that you have never passed. I tell my siblings all the great memories I had with you, as they never had the chance to meet the wonderful woman you were. So here I am posting this picture of you, my mom and me on my 5th birthday where you gave me a locket, which I wear to this day. This has always been one of my favorites.  There isn't a single day where I don't think of you. God had a plan for you and I've had grow to understand that. I love you with all my heart and I miss you every single day. Till we meet again. ❤

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