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Liked by @carrieunderwood, @christianyelich, @larisafbraun, @brewers, @ro

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Liked by @carrieunderwood@christianyelich@larisafbraun,
@brewers, @ro.counsell, @cody_bellinger,
@brady_c, @lukebryan and 129,389 others


Well tomorrow is the day that I officially get to call you mine forever💕
#SorryLadies #CounsellToYelich #RehersalDinner 

@username1: My eyes can't handle this anymore😭

@brewersfan1: Y'all just keep getting cuter and cuter

@brewersfan2: Yeli looks genuinely happy with her. He deserves her

@aleciayelich: My baby's all grown up😭
@christianyelich: Mom, stop

@username2: Can't wait for pictures!! 

@christianyelich: ❤❤❤ I love you 
@andreacounsell: And I love you❤❤

@baseballfan1: Okay, y'all can stop now

@countryfan1: I can't wait for the name change!!! 


Liked by @giancarlo818, @sophiaminneart, @brewers,@aaronrodgers12, @andreacounsell, @camyeli, @bakermayfield and 147,389 others

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Liked by @giancarlo818@sophiaminneart@brewers,
@aaronrodgers12, @andreacounsell, @camyeli,
@bakermayfield and 147,389 others


Whelp, tomorrow is a day I never thought would come. Andrea, I can't wait to make you mine forever❤

@username1: 😍😍😍

@brewersfan1: My heart can't handle your cuteness anymore

@bakermayfield: Still can't wait to see you cry😂😂
@christianyelich: Shut up

@baseballfan1: Hands down the cutest couple to ever walk on planet Earth

@andreacounsell: 😭😭
@christianyelich: 😘😘

@username2: Please, can I have a relationship like these two? That is all I ask for in life

@baseballfan2: ⬆⬆ Girl same 

@yazmaniandvl: #whipped

@brewersfan2: And the hashtag comes back😂😂



Sorry for the delay in an update. Haven't had a whole lot of time to write recently.

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