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The Crew had an off today and I decided to spend it with my dad, yes my dad. We haven't had a "dad and Andrea" day in a while, and my relationship with my dad is pretty strong and I don't want anything to jeopardize it. Yes, I hang out with dad but it's always with mom and the siblings and not just us two. What about mom you may ask? Well, I do hang out with her but I'm closer to my dad, daddy's girl all the way. 

I pull in to my dad's drive way after coming home from Christian's place, who is watching Harley. I park my car, get out and make my way to the door, walking in. I walk into the kitchen seeing my dad sitting at the counter drinking a cup of coffee and scrolling through his computer. I walk up behind him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey." I say and walk towards the fridge to get the orange juice out. 

"Hey bunny."

"So, what exactly are we doing today?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He says with a smirk, looking up at me. I glare at him, before getting a cup out of the cupboard. 

"Really? You have to be that way?"

"Yes, I do." I shake my head at him. "So, I gotta do a few things first before we head out."

"Yeah, of course." I nod my head. He gets up , taking his empty cup with him to the dishwasher. He kisses me on the cheek. 

"I'll only be about 30 minutes." I nod, he smiles back. He makes his way to grab his computer and makes his way to his office. I put the orange juice back in the fridge, grab my glass and make my way to the living room. I sit on the couch and turn the T.V. on and start scrolling through channels, settling on Spongebob Squarepants, yes I'm a child deal with it. A few moments later I hear someone coming downstairs and make their way to the kitchen. 

"Wow. You are actually home for once. It's a miracle." Brady says as he walks into the living room, sitting down next to me. 

"Ha, ha. Don't worry you'll have those days too, so just shut up."

"So, what's the occasion that you're actually home?"

"Dad and I are having a day together."

"Without me? How dare you. That's hurtful, you know."

"Oh, well. Just deal with it." I smirk at him. 

"Bunny, you ready?" Dad comes into view 15 minutes later.

"Yup, let's go." I get up from the couch. "Later little bro." I ruffle his hair.

"Don't touch my hair you..." He says fixing his hair but stops as dad glares at him. "Never touch my hair." Dad just looks at him. "What? That's what I was going to stay." Dad shakes his head. We make our way to his car, him in the driver's seat and me in the passenger seat. 

"Can you tell me what we are doing now?" I ask.

"Nope. Just quit asking, you'll never get it out of me." I huff. "Quit pouting."

We drive in a comfortable silence with the sound of the radio in the background. We make our way to a park on the lakeside. Dad parks the car, we get out, dad makes his way to the trunk of his car and pulls out a picnic basket and a big blanket. I smile. 

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