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I go up to my room when I get home after the game. I just wanted to spend the rest of the day in bed as I am going to D.C. with the crew tomorrow morning, I need my sleep. I am about to change into joggers and a t-shirt when my phone buzzes.

Dress nice. I'm picking you up in 30

Why? I wanna sleep...

Because we are going to dinner

You think I can get ready in 30?

Yes. Now chop chop

No need to be so pushy...
Read 7:02 pm

Sighing, I go to my closet and find a nice outfit. After 5 minutes of debating in my head I settle on a black and white striped shirt with a black pencil skirt and black blazer. I touch up my make-up a little bit and do a quick straightening of my hair. I'm doing the finish touches when my bathroom door opens and in walks Christian.

"Don't you know how to knock?"


"I could've been naked."

"And? Your point is?" I scoff at him and throw a towel at him, he catches it, obviously. "You almost ready?"

"Yes. Where are we going anyway?"

"Just out and about."

"Why do I have to dress nice then?"

"Because. Stop asking so many questions." I make eye contact with him through the mirror and shake my head at him while he just smiles. 

I finish getting ready by putting on my shoes. We make our way downstairs to find my dad in the kitchen, making himself food. 

"See you later dad. Love you."

"Not too late, we have a flight in the morning. I love you too bunny." He walks over gives me a hug and a pat on the shoulder for Christian. Walking out the front door, we make our way to Christian's car. He opens the passenger door for me, I smile at him for a silent thank you and he returns it. He goes around to the other side, gets in, starts the car and we drive off. 

"Can you please tell me where we are going?"

"Nope. No need to ask anymore questions." I roll my eyes and turn the radio on. We continue the ride in silence, just the buzz of the radio in the background. After a 15 minute drive we pull up to a restaurant that sits on Lake Michigan. 

"Christian, you didn't have to go this far." I say to him in awe, as the restaurant is crazy expensive.

"I didn't have to but I wanted too. You deserve it." I look at him with tears in my eyes. I reach across the center counsel and pull him in for a hug. 

"Thank you." I pull back and smile at him. "I love you." 

"Like I said, you deserve it. I love you too." He replies and pulls me in for a kiss. "We better go, our reservation is in 10 minutes." I nod and get out of the car.  

----Time skip over dinner----

We walk out of the restaurant, both with full stomachs and take-out containers, and make our way to Christian's car. 

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