Chapter 1

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"Are you really alive?" Seungmin thought.

He couldn't believe it. Was his friend alive? Did he not die?

Seungmin has all kind of thoughts going through his head. For a split moment he was angry at him for disappearing for a few months but Seungmin was just happy that Jeongin was back. He was about to get up and talk to him but a girl interrupted.

"Hello! Are you thinking about Jeongin?" The girl asked. She seemed shy and nervous.

Seungmin nodded. He was distracted by the girl that he had taken his eyes off Jeongin.

"Please don't be sad! And take care of yourself. You don't seem healthy, and you aren't the same as before," The girl continued.

Seungmin nodded once again and thanked her. The girl left and Seungmin remembered about Jeongin. He looked at where he was, but Jeongin wasn't there. Frantically, He looked around in the cafe, but Jeongin didn't seem to be around.

Seungmin was confused. He got up and exited the place and walked around the area nearby but just couldn't find Jeongin. Finally he gave up and headed home. When he entered their dorms, it was quiet as always. The hyung line were all doing something, but not together, while the maknae line were all nowhere to be seen. Seungmin walked to his room and locked the door. He sat down on his bed and placed his phone on the table next to him.

There were many pictures of him and Jeongin together, on the table. Seeing that, had brought bad memories. The days where Jeongin always smiled. The days where Jeongin used to just disappear, and come back days later. Those days where Jeongin used to always shut the others out. Seungmin could feel a tear rolling down his cheek. He sighed and looked out of the window. He saw a few people walking around, but his eye caught on one of them.

It was Jeongin. Seungmin was determined to see him this time, but he had to be cautious. He might be gone by the time he went outside. Seungmin grabbed his mask and looked at what direction Jeongin was walking towards. He ran out of the door, with strange looks on the other member's faces. He rushed outside and saw Jeongin turn right, around the building. Seungmin ran as fast as he could and followed Jeongin. Sadly, when he turned to the corner, jeongin went, he wasn't there.

Seungmins heart sank. He continued to walk around just to make sure, but obviously, he wasn't there...

Seungmin slowly trudged back to the dorm, with his head down. Jeongins death had affected all the members. Some of the members had developed depression. Not depression as worse as Jeongins, but it was still depression. Although many members didn't know about the other's depression, only one person knew what was going on between everyone.

That one person, was extremely worried. When all the members were asleep, he would always go into their rooms to check on them. When someone was upset, the one person always tried to cheer them up. That one person would always try to help the others. Nobody even suspected him. They all just thought he wanted them to be ok, but little did they know, this one person, knew everything that was happening, and was trying their hardest to keep the others happy.

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