Chapter 32

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Hi. :)

Minho's POV

It has been a couple of hours since Seungmin had gone into surgery. Everyone was starting to get worried. I don't think my heart would be able to handle the pain of losing another member.

We've been way too long. My mind was racing. My heart was pounding. I was getting restless, actually, all of us were getting anxious.

Did he survive?

Is he still in surgery?

When are we able to see him?

While shifting around in my seat, a young lady came over. She was one of the nurses, and she told us that the doctor would come over soon to talk to us.

I silently sighed in relief, sliding back in my chair and running my hands through my hair.

"Kim Seungmin"

All of us quickly stood up and rushed towards the doctor.

"The surgery was..." The doctor paused. My mind was thinking of the worse possible scenario.

"Somewhat successful."

I gave him a questioning look. I was confused, but kind of relieved that there might be a chance he could be alive.

"What do you mean..?" Chan slowly asked.

"Well, we were able to save him." The doctor spoke. "But he lost too much blood and the brain wasn't getting the blood."

"What?" Felix whispered.

"He's in a coma. We don't know when he will wake up."

I didn't know how to react. Should I be happy that he wasn't dead? Or should I be sad because he's in a coma? Right now, I was just relieved. He wasn't entirely gone. It was quiet as we entered the hospital room and sat around Seungmin. He was sleeping so peacefully. The fact that I don't know when he's going to wake up makes me feel sad. It hurts knowing that he might not be a part of my life anymore. It pains me to even think that I might not be here for him when he does wake up.

It was awkward and silent in the room. None of us were talking. I remembered what happened before this happened. I looked up and glared at Chan, but my gaze softed as I saw that he was on the verge of crying.



"What is wrong with you." Chan whispered harshly.

Seungmin's eyes were filled with pain. He felt hurt. Chan's words broke his heart. He couldn't take it anymore. Their stares made him feel vulnerable and scared. He didn't want to be there anymore. He felt so insecure and alone, so he ran.

Chan stood there in shock. What did he just say? Why?!  His face changed from angry to surprised. He didn't even realize Woojin had pulled him away. Chan was so mad at himself. He knew Seungmin was struggling. He knew Seungmin was sad, and yet he yelled at him. He stood there in horror as he slowly realized the consequences of what he had just done. He struggled out of Woojin's grasp and ran to follow Seungmin. Right before he was able to get past the door, Woojin pulled him back, with Felix's help.

"Chan. Stop." Woojin said, sternly.

"But-"  he tried to say.

"No. You're staying here. The others already left to get Seungmin."

Chan slowly sat down, his body trembling, and his hands gripping his hair.

"What did I just do?"  He whispered, his voice shaking.

Chan couldn't live with the guilt. If Seungmin was gone, it would all be his fault.

"Chan, It's okay." Woojin tried to calm him down. "You didn't mean it."

"I.." Chan hesitated, "I'm sorry"

"Say sorry to Seungmin, not us." Felix quietly spoke up.

Suddenly the phone rang. Chan slowly took his phone out of his pocket. Han was calling. His hands were trembling too much but somehow he managed to accept the call.

"We found him!" Han yelled.

"Is he ok?" Felix interrupted.

"He passed out before we found him." Han quickly told us. "I called for help already. Meet  us at the hospital."

Chan hung up and stood up with the help of Woojin. Both boys ran as quick as they could to the car, to see Felix, who had already started the car. Chan managed to calm down enough so he was stable enough to drive, and the three of them sped to the hospital. Chan was inpatient. He immediately got out of the car and ran inside without turning off the engine or even grabbing his keys. His phone vibrated.

"Where are you? We're in the waiting room right now."

Woojin and Felix caught up to him and followed him when he started to quickly walk away. They finally found the waiting room and burst in. The other members were sitting in a chair, looking down. They took their seats and sat in silence for a couple seconds.

"Is Seungmin okay?" Chan asked quietly.

Han glared at the leader before whispering back "I don't know. They didn't tell us anything yet."

The conversation ended, and it became silent between the members. They all sat there thinking about what happened, and either feeling guilty or broken. After a while, a doctor came in and told them that Seungmin was in surgery because he had lost too much blood and they were trying to stop it. That made everyone nervous. They couldn't lose another member.



They went in to see Seungmin. It broke their hearts to see him in the hospital bed. He looked a lot paler and his hair was a mess but other that that, he looked somewhat peaceful. Everyone was fidgeting around in their seats. Chan was glancing back and forth between Seungmin and the floor. No one spoke for a couple of minutes except for Hyunjin. Hyunjin sat in the chair right next to the bed, so he was the closest.

"Please Seungmin" Hyunjin begged. "Wake up"

Hyunjin was holding Seungmin's  hand tightly, tears spilling out of his eyes. "Wake up please" He began to sob uncontrollably. Hyunjin was the closest to Seungmin and Jeongin. The other members felt bad for him. They couldn't imagine the immense amount of pain, he must be feeling. Woojin tried to calm him down and comforted him. Each member spent time with Seungmin alone, except for Chan and Woojin. Visitor hours were almost over, so the others started to go back to the dorms, leaving the two eldest alone in the room. The two of them stood there, awkwardly until Woojin finally said "I'll leave you alone."

Chan stood besides Seungmin, studying his face. There was no signs of emotion. No signs of movement, other than his chest slowly rising up and down. A single tear escaped and rolled down Chan's face. The leader sighed as he placed his hand on Seungmin's hair.

"I'm sorry, Seungmin." Chan whispered. More tears came .

"I really am. I wasn't thinking and I yelled at you. I don't want to lose you too. I didn't consider your feelings and what you were going through." Now Chan was a crying mess. "I'm a terrible person. I take back everything I said."

He looked at the time and knew he had 10 minutes left. Wiping his tears , he started to grab his stuff. Chan sniffled, wanting to embrace the younger in the hug, but couldn't. Right before he walked out of the room, he said,

"I'll be back soon. I promise."

Only one more chapter that's going to be published later today or tomorrow. After this book is finished, I'll be editing, so there might be a few major changes. (And yes. We are going to ignore the fact that i haven't updated in months.)

1270 words

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