Last chapter or Ending or whatever

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Jeongin thought everyone would be happy.

He thought that no one needed him.

That he wasn't wanted.

He thought the world would be better off without him.

But little did he know, he caused a huge mess.

And that mess has made a big impact on many people's lives.

His fans were in shock.

People were hurt. They were sad. They were crying.

The ones closest to him were affected the worst.

The group couldn't handle it anymore.

It was too much for them.

They weren't okay.

They tried to calm each other.

They tried to be positive.

But they eventually gave up.

It just wasn't the same.

Nearly a year after Jeongins death,

A couple of months after Seungmin went into a coma,

The rest of the members were struggling.

Stray Kids decided to disband.

Of course, the members stayed in touch with each other, but they were drifting apart.

They were battling their own problems.

This is what you caused, Jeongin.

Yang Jeongin. You caused this.

Seungmin was hurt. His mind was a constant war. He finally made a decision but it didn't go as planned. Instead of death, he fell into a coma after bleeding out from his cuts. No one knew when he would wake up. His condition got worse every day. His friends and family are considering to pull him out of life support.

Felix wasn't able to handle it. He got nightmares nearly every night, waking up in a cold sweat. He went back to Australia to escape from the memories. He continued to dance and rap but only as a hobby. His life would never be the same. Not without his best friends.

Han gave up his dream. He left the group and 3racha. He didn't have the motivation to produce any more music. He has been eating less and less. He passed out and was brought to the hospital. Diganosed with a eating disorder, Han felt weak but with the help of a couple of friends, he was able to move on. 

Hyunjin stopped dancing. His passion for dancing just disappeared after two of his closest friends/members are gone. He almost fell into the same deep pit that Jeongin and Seungmin were pulled into, but he stopped himself before he did. The two boys would want him to be alive and breathing.

Over time, Minho just couldn't handle it anymore. He grew unstable. Dark and evil thoughts invaded his mind. He was the second person, after Woojin, to leave. No one knows what happened to him. The only time anyone was able to see him was either at the hospital or the cemetery, visiting. Now he was nowhere to be seen, although there had been rumors that he was in a mental hospital now.

Chan and Changbin still remained together. They supported each other through tough times. They wrote lyrics and produced songs, although most of the songs were sad and depressing. Chan was still blaming himself over the cause of Seungmin's death. Changbin felt alone and vulnerable every time he saw Chan crying.

Woojin was handling it well, or so it seems. Deep down inside, he was hurting. The two youngest members had died, only in a span of one year. He had to leave right before the disbandment. The one person who was able to comfort the others  was gone. No one has heard from him ever since. The members all lost contact with him. He just disappeared into thin air.

All of this could've been avoided.

Everything could've changed.

If only you were still alive.

If only you let the members help you.

If you could just go back to the past, would you have changed?

Would you have saved them all from this horrible messed up world?

No. You wouldn't. Because you are a selfish person.

All of this is your fault Jeongin.


Wow. We finally reached the end.  :(

For any of you, who are struggling with depression and are having suicidal thoughts, please reach out to someone you trust and talk to them. I'm always here to talk if you need help.

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