Chapter 17

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"Time to die!"

Jeongin jumped on me, waving the knife around.

"Everyone else died! It's your turn!"

"W-what?" I stuttered "Everyone.."

I struggled to get him off, and i kicked him in the stomach. It didn't seem to have an effect on him.

"SEUNGMIN" I heard someone yell.  I looked behind Jeongin, and saw the rest of the members rushing towards me. Once they got to me, i fell unconscious.


I gasped as i opened my eyes. I sat up quickly, panting. I clutched my stomach, remembering how Jeongin kicked me.

"Are you ok?"

I looked over and saw everyone there, staring at me with worried eyes.

"I'm fine. I just had a nightmare." I told them.

"But you were shaking and-" Someone called out.

"I had a nightmare. That's why." I said again

They all hugged me and left the room. I shivered in my bed. It was cold, and i couldn't take my mind off my dream.

It's time for you to die.

I gasped.

"No." I said in a small voice.

Your going to die soon. Might as well just kill yourself before you suffer.

"Stop." I whispered, as tears rolled out of my face.

Even Jeongin wanted you to die.

I quietly sobbed on my bed. My eyes began to get tired, but i didn't want to sleep. I struggled to stay awake.

If you really wanted to stay awake, then get the knife.

The knife? Where is it?

I struggled to get out of bed. I crawled everywhere, but i couldn't find it.

Where is it!?

I laid on the ground, trying to remember where i last put it.

The trash can!

I made my way to the trash can but it was empty. Nothing was in it. A flash of panic went through my mind.

Did someone see it? Did they take it?? Oh god. What if they know?!

I tried to calm down.

Maybe i threw it away in a different trash can?

I sighed and went to the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it. I opened the drawer and grabbed the box that was filled with the blades. I stared at the clean sharp knives. Many thoughts were taking over my mind. Especially bad ones. I grabbed a couple and shoved it into my pocket, and then trying to hide the box.

No one seemed to actually notice me, so i was able to get from the bathroom to my room pretty easily. I locked the door, and sat back down on my bed.

I took a deep breath as i rolled up my sleeve. The cold knife was now above my skin. I shivered once it touched my left arm. I pressed down on the knife until it drew blood. I moved my hand to the right, making a long horizontal cut. The blood flowed out of my arm slowly.

More. You need more cuts.

I obeyed the voice and lifted up the blade.
I kept on cutting all over my arms. I had made so many cuts on my arm. I didn't even know how many there were. Dark red blood was dripping out of every single cut i had made. 

I watched as more blood flowed out. I sat there until i got light headed and stumbled across the room to find the bandages. I took me a while but i finally found it. I opened the door and looked around. No one was nearby, so i ran to the bathroom. I cleaned my arm and bandaged it up. I ran back to my room, and saw that some of my blood had stained the sheets on my bed. I quickly changed it into fresh new sheets. My head still hurts and i still felt light headed. I collapsed onto my bed, losing conscious.

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