Chapter 28

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After a few hours, I was able to go home. Han signed some paperwork, and we headed home. We both didn't have our keys, so we had to ring the door bell. The door was immediately opened by Hyunjin. He pulled us inside, and shouted something. He grabbed my arm, which cause a huge flare of pain to go up my arm. I pulled back my arm, to get a confused look from Hyunjin and a worried look from Han. Felix ran over and hugged us.

"Where were you?" Woojin asked.

"Oh, we were at the-" Han paused and looked at me. "we were just taking a walk."

"Well you could've texted us back." Felix spoke up.

"My phone died, and Seungmin left his phone." Han explained.

After the conversation, I went to my room, not wanting to talk to anyone. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Han woke me up. It was 7:00 in the morning. I groaned and threw my pillow at him, but he kept on bothering me. Yawning, I got up, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

"Seungmin. Get changed." Han called out.

I sighed, and scratched my arms. I looked through my closet and put on a grey hoodie, and black jeans. I stuffed my phone, money and a couple of other things in my pocket and walked out.

"We'll be back in a couple of hours." Han told the others.

The others nodded or grunted in response. In the car, I asked him

"Where are we going?"

"Don't you remember? You have therapy." Han replied.

I didn't want to go. It wouldn't help. The voices had already taken over my mind, and nothing could change that. I took out my headphones and listened to music. When we arrived, I felt scared. I didn't know why. It was a weird feeling. My legs wouldn't move. I just stared at the building. Han had to pull me inside, but he made a mistake and grabbed my arm. I winced in pain, and he quickly let go. Quietly apologizing, he decided to push me instead. I was immediately taken to a room, and was told to sit down on one of the chairs. Han left, so I was alone with a woman.

"Hello Seungmin, My name is Nayeon" She stared at me. I didn't look back. My mouth was shut, so she continued to talk.

"Have you been to a therapist before?"

I shook my head. It was my first time, which was probably why i was so nervous.  I watched her write something on the paper.

"Seungmin, do you know why you're here?"

I nodded.

"Can you tell me why?"

I stared at her, not wanting to talk. I had become a lot more quiet and introverted the past few months. Everyone knew the reason. The therapist sighed and asked more questions, trying to get me to talk. After the session, she spoke with Jisung. I overheard her say that I wasnt talking to her and that he should get me to talk to other people, preferably new people, or at least people i don't talk to that often, before our next session. After they spoke, we headed to the car and headed home. I kept quiet the whole entire way, even though Han tried to talk to me.


It was morning, and everyone was asleep. Well almost everyone. The dorm was silent. The only thing you could hear were the birds chirping outside. I liked the silence. The voice in my head wasn't there to yell at me and make me feel guilty, sad or angry. For once, it was peaceful. I sat on my comfy bed, reading a book, enjoying the silence. It was currently 6 a.m. The others wouldn't be up until 8. There wasn't anything planned for today, so they had the day off. Actually, since I tried to kill himself, the manager canceled our plans, so we could have rest. Once I finished the book, it was still early, so I decided to go back to sleep.

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