Chapter 19

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Seungmin woke up with heavy eyes. He rubbed his eyes trying to get rid of his tiredness. It was now 4:36 a.m in the morning. Seungmin sighed. His throat was really sore and dry. He went downstairs to grab a drink of water and then headed back up and went back to sleep. 

One hour later, Seungmin was being shaken awake by one of his hyungs. Groaning, Seungmin tried to make him go away but now they were shouting in his ears, yelling for him to get up. Seungmin gave up and threw his blanket into his hyungs face and got up. He didn't help the other and walked straight into the bathroom.

"Seungmin!!" yelled Woojin, who was knocking ok the bathroom door, nonstop.

"What!?" Seungmin yelled back.

"Get changed fast! You won't have enough time for breakfast! Practice starts at 8!" Woojin informed him.

"Ok." The younger told him

"I don't need breakfast anyways." Seungmin muttered to himself

Seungmin grabbed a thin navy sweater and jeans and put them on. He stayed in his room until it was 7:53.

"Seungmin!! Come down here now!"

Seungmin sighed and slowly walked downstairs to see a stressed Chan.

"Here, eat this."

As chan was busy, seungmin stared at his food.  He didn't feel like eating. Eating would make him gain more weight. And more weight would mean fat. Seungmin would be fatter. He cut up his food into smaller pieces and made his plate look a little bit messy so it would've looked that he was eating. After a few minutes, some of the members had already left.

"Seungmin it's time to leave." Hyunjin yelled as he ran past him

Seungmin stared at him, while he rushed to grab his jacket and shoes.  "Ok."

Seungmin and Hyunjin walked out of the dorms and into the practice room. He sat down tying his shoes, then going to his spot. They were going to practicing the choreography and after that film the music video for Astronaut.

After practicing, they were on their way to the set for the music video. Seungmin sat in the back of the car, on the end. He stared out of the window, wanting to leave as soon as possible. He noticed someone sit next to him, but he didn't turn around to see who it was. The other members were loud, talking to each other. Seungmin sat quietly in his seat.


Seungmin didn't hear him.

"Seungmin?" He said a little bit louder.

"Oh! Uh, Yes?" Seungmin turned around, and saw Han.

"Um." Han struggled to say something. "Do you remember."

Seungmin quietly cursed to himself. Was he talking about that?

But Han, was just worried.

"About last night?" Han asked.

Seungmin pretended to not know what he was talking about. "What?"

Han sighed. Seungmin didn't seem to remember. Why doesn't he remember?  But he was sure he saw it. Those scars. All over his friends arm. He was sure he saw the blade in the trash can. He was sure he hid it. Han was sure that he saw the bandages wrapped around Seungmins arm, that had red stains of Seungmin's own blood on it.

"Never mind." 

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