Chapter 5

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Seungmin stood up and placed the knife on the table. He couldn't do it. He was scared. so he decided to do it tomorrow when he was more braver. He sighed, but got scared when Chan knocked on the door.

"Who is it?

"It's Chan, and its time for dinner."

"Oh. Ok, i'll be there soon."

Seungmin heard the leader walk away. He quickly hid the blade and fixed everything. He wiped his face and made sure that it didn't look like he was crying. He walked down to the others, who were already sitting there, in silence.

Seungmin grabbed an empty plate and sat down. Everyone was either eating, or spacing out. There was nothing on his plate, but he was too distracted to actually get anything, because of what had just happened. Of course, no one noticed. All of them were just eating, not even saying anything. After a while, the members began to leave one by one. Seungmin was the last one there.

seungmin left the table and put the remaining dishes in the sink. He then left to go back to his bedroom. He closed the door and saw the blade. The boy, stared at it and scoffed. Had he really thought about cutting himself? Seungmin grabbed the knife and threw it in the trash can, he never used. He laid on his bed until he fell asleep.

One of the members, was on his phone, walking, in the hallway. He didn't notice that he went into the wrong room, until he heard something. He looked up and saw seungmin turn over. He was about to leave, but he noticed something was wrong. He looked around and saw tears rolling down Seungmins face.

"Seungmin?" He said.

Seungmin didn't wake up.

The younger member was still asleep, so the older let him sleep. He wiped the tears off his cheek before leaving. Right before he closed the door, something shiny caught his eyes. The boy went to check what it was and saw a knife. This had given him bad flashbacks of jeongin.

"Oh seungmin..." He glanced at Seungmin. Then he reached down and grabbed the knife and threw it in the trash can in the kitchen, So seungmin wouldn't find it.

When Seungmin woke up, he noticed that his face was wet, with tears. What happened? Seungmin was confused. Why was he crying? He couldn't remember anything that had recently happened that would make him cry. Well, besides Jeongin.

A few weeks later

Seungmin hadn't seen Jeongin in the past few weeks. Everyone is drifting apart even more. No one would talk to each other, but their relationship with the other was still strong. When someone was crying, the other would comfort them. When someone was gone, the others would go look for them.

Seungmin has became more sadder and lonelier, as the days passed. He really really missed Jeongin. Once, he really desperately wanted to cut himself, but the knife was gone and people were taking too much time in the bathroom. He was about to try other ways of hurting himself, but remembered that his concert was in two weeks. He shouldn't be doing that. Maybe after the concert.

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