Chapter 7

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I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I was tired. It was 7:03 pm. I laid on my bed thinking about what i had just done. I heard my stomach growl really loudly and i realized that no one had made dinner yet. I got up and went to the kitchen, still seeing no one there. I grabbed some instant ramen and a pot, filled with water. As the water was boiling, i was sitting in the couch nearby, trying my best not to fall asleep. I heard a loud sound, coming from one of the rooms. It sounded like a body falling to the ground. I slowly got up and went to see what it was. I opened each of the doors to see who made the sound. Unfortunately, some of the members reactions were not so nice. Changbin, threw something at the door, telling me to go away. Minho yelled at me. Felix immediately slammed the door shut as soon as i opened it. I sighed. Woojin was sleeping peacefully in his bed. Chan, asked me if anything was wrong, and then returned to his work. The only rooms left were Han and Hyunjin.

I went to Hans room first, since it was the closest. He didn't yell at me to go away. He simply said, "Hey Seungmin."

"Hey." I said back. Han and Woojin were the most positive ones here. Chan was also positive, unless he was working. Right when i closed Han's door, i heard sizzling noises. I ran to the kitchen, taking the lid off. I had totally forgotten about it. As soon as it had stopped, i put the small pack of ramen in it and let it boil. After it was done cooking, I poured it into my bowl and left it to cool down. I walked towards Hyunjin's room and tried to open it. It was locked.


No response.

I knocked on the door.

Still no response. I went to my room, and grabbed the key to his room, and unlocked it. I immediately rushed in, seeing, Hyunjin laying on the ground. He didn't seem to have a fever, but he looked extremely thin.

Oh god.. Has he even been eating?

I called the police and once they were on their way, i lifted up Hyunjin and placed him on his bed. I rushed to Chan and told him what was happening. He immediately got up and ran towards Hyunjin. I opened the door letting the paramedics in, and they took Hyunjin and drove off in the ambulance.


"Yes Chan?" I replied.

"Let's go to the hospital." Chan said with a sad look on his face. Chan left a note on the table, telling the rest of the members where we would be. I quickly ate some of his ramen and ran to the car, waiting for my hyung.

We drove to the hospital, the paramedics told us. When we got there, one of the paramedics told us to wait in the waiting room.

A while later, a doctor came out.

"Are you Hyunjin's family?" He asked us.

"No, but-" Chan started to say.

"Sorry but i can't tell you guys anything." The doctor told us.

"But!" I started to say. " We're his.."

"Group members!" Chan finished, while taking off his mask. I followed his actions and also took off my mask. 

"Oh. Well Are you at least his caretaker or guardian?"

The doctor seemed to know we were famous, but didn't seem to know a lot about us.

"I'm the leader, so yea!"

The doctor decided to just tell us.

"So. Hyunjin seems to be very underweight. Has he been eating enough?"

"well he was at breakfast this morning..."  Chan slowly said.

I knew that Hyunjin barely eaten at breakfast. I would watch him take very small bites and throw the rest away when the others weren't looking.

"Well he isn't eating enough food. I think he may have developed an eating disorder." The doctor continued. "When he goes back home, make sure he eats something."

we both nodded. 

"He is sleeping right now. I can call you if he wakes up."

I sat down in the waiting room. I heard my phone vibrate. I took it out and saw that Woojin had finally woken up and saw our note.
He was spamming.

I was about to text him back when someone bursted through the hospital doors. It was Woojin...

I don't  know what i just wrote

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