Chapter 31

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Everything hurt so badly. I was breathing heavily until my vision grew dark.


Minho POV

Everyone was shocked. No one spoke for a while. I never would've expected Chan to say that. I glanced back at Seungmim but suddenly Seungmin ran out. Woojin started to scold Chan. I was worried, and so were the others. We decided to split up. Half of us would go after Seungmin and the other half would stay, just in case he came back. Me, Changbin, Han, and Hyunjin would go find Seungmin while Woojin, Felix and Chan stayed. We ran out of the building and searched the area for Seungmin. I didn't know where he could be. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure move. I glanced over but there was no one there. I felt suspicious, and quickly walked over and looked around. I had found nothing. I sighed and was about to go back, when I stepped on my shoelaces. I had to tie them, but I immediately stopped when I saw drops of blood. The drops were making a trail, going in one direction.

I was confused but then it hit me. Seungmin's arm was still bleeding. The blood was pouring out. Maybe the trail led to Seungmin? I felt a spark of hope in my heart.

"Guys! Theres blood! I think he went that way!" I yelled out.
Hyunjin and Changbin were going to look somewhere else just in came it wasn't Seungmin. Han and I ran, following the path. Unfortunately, the trail eventually disappeared. I sighed, feeling sad. We went back to the others, and ran around, trying to find him.

"Hey! There's blood! He went this way!" I heard Hyunjin call out.

We all rushed towards where Hyunjin was and kept searching. I was exhausted and was about to look somewhere else when I saw someone fall. I ran to help them up but gasped as I realized it was Seungmin.

"Seungmin!" I screamed. He fell onto the ground, holding his head and eventually fainting. I ran to him and tried to help him up. I glanced back and saw Han calling someone. My heart was beating fast. Seungmin's eyes were closed and his breathing was starting to get slower.

"Han's calling an ambulance," Hyunjin said while ripping off his sweater. I watched as he tried to stop Seungmin's bleeding, while Changbin was pacing around. I could tell tears were threatening to come out of his eyes.

People rushed past me, and pulled Seungmin out of my hands. I wanted to stay with him, but I was pushed away. Han held me as we watched them inspect him and place him on a stretcher. The ambulance left and we got into a car and followed close behind the ambulance. Han called the others, so they were going to meet us later.

We arrived at the hospital and followed the doctors who were putting him on a bed and quickly pushing him somewhere else. I was about to go with them when a nurse stopped me and told me to stay in the waiting room. Chan, Woojin and Felix came rushing in. We all sat in the waiting room. A couple of members whispered to eachother. It was awkward, but all I could think about was Seungmin. How could I not see the signs? He was obviously distancing himself from us. He stayed in his room more often. He was even being secretive.

My thoughts vanished when a doctor came up to us.

"Kim Seungmin had lost a lot of blood. We don't know if he will survive or not."

My heart shattered. I couldn't imagine what would happen to us if we lost another member. It would have been devastating.

"Right now, he is in surgery. When he's out of surgery, we will come inform you on what happened."

We all nodded. The doctor gave us a gentle smile and left. We all sat back down. It was still silent, but there was more tension between everyone than before. I glanced at Chan and remember what happened before. I felt angry. His words were unnecessary. He shouldn't have said that. I wanted to ask him why he did that, but I didn't when I saw how hard he was crying. I pushed those thoughts away and wished for Seungmin's survival.

He will survive. He has to... Please Seungmin..

Will Seungmin survive?

This is sad..

And Ill try to update more!

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