Chapter 27

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I slowly gain consciousness and opened my eyes. Sirens were blaring and my ears were ringing. My head moved to the side, and I saw a man, who i didn't recognize. Something was covering my mouth. I saw wires connected to me. I was in a vehicle. The ride was bumpy. Someone was touching me. I looked down and saw blood. Lots of blood. There was blood on my shirt, blood on the man's hands. There was even blood in the floor. I felt my consciousness disappear and the sirens were getting quieter. Everything went dark, as i fell back, losing consciousness.

My eyes fluttered open, and my eyes were instantly hit with bright lights. Instinctively, I shut them, when suddenly, I remembered what happened. My heart sank. I didn't die.

What happened? Why didn't I die?? Why am I still alive?

I opened my eyes and squinted. My senses were now normal. I heard beeping, and felt a soft piece of cloth over me. I blinked away the blurriness, and scanned the room. I started to freak out. I was in a hospital.


I sat at my desk, as everyone else left. Chan asked me if I wanted to join. I declined it. I wanted to stay at home, since I was tired. Seungmin was still in the bathroom. I wondered why he was taking so long. I ignored that thought and looked through instagram. It was quiet. I could hear the water still running in the bathroom. I felt suspicious, but it was probably just Seungmin showering. Half an hour had passed. The water had just stopped running. I wondered why it was took Seungmin so long to finish. I needed to go to the bathroom, but I didn't feel like going to the other bathroom, which was even further. After a couple minutes of waiting, I gave up and ran to the bathroom. When i came out, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana. Walking back to my room, I felt something wet. I looked down, and saw a puddle of water from the bathroom that Seungmin was still in. I knocked on the door.

"Seungmin!" I yelled, "Did you spill water? Theres water out here!"

There was no response. I listened closely, as I yelled out once again. " Seungmin?!"

I grabbed the door knob, but it was locked. I knew that Woojin and Chan alwayts kept a key somewhere in their room, just in case, so I quickly ran to their room. I searched through every single drawer, but I couldn't find it. I started to panick, and banged on the door.

"Seungmin!!!" I shouted.

I suddenly remembered something. This morning, Woojin was in a rush, and gave Chan the keys. Chan left them in one of the kitchen drawers. I ran back to the kitchen and found the key. I let out a breath of relief, but started to panick again.Seungmin still hadn't called out. I unlocked the door and ran in, not expecting to see what I saw. I gasped, and i didn't know what to do. The sight in front of me was horrifying. Seungmin's body in the bathtub, his head underwater. What shocked me the most, was that the water was red. I rushed to him and pulled him out of the water, and laid him onto the ground. I pulled out my phone and tried to call Chan, but my hands were to shaky.

"Don't-" Seungmin croaked out quietly. "Don't tell them please."

I was happy that he was alive but I still needed him to get to the hospital. I called 911, and during the call, I realized, that I haven't paid any attention to the dark red water. My eyes glanced back and forth, when I saw multiple red gashes, and slits on his wrists. I cursed. I knew he was doing this. I should've paid closer attention to him. The funeral had distracted me, and I forgot about it. The cuts were still bleeding. Blood was gushing out rapidly. The ambulance was coming soon. I looked at Seungmin, and saw that his eyes were closed. I started to panic. I tried to find any signs of him being alive. He wasn't breathing, but i could feel a faint heartbeat. I head sirens, and ran to the door. I led the paramedics to him. They brought him into the ambulance and we drove to the hospital. I saw doctors rush him into the e.r.

I waited for a really long time in the hospital. My phone was dead. I was about to fall asleep when a nurse said  "You're Han Jisung right?"

I looked up and nodded. I rubbed my eyes and stood up.

"Come with me." She said.  I followed her into a room, where a doctor was in.

The doctor read the paperwork in front of him and mumbled.

"Han Jisung." He started to say.

"Yes?" I immediately said.

"We were lucky to save Seungmin in time. He is alive, and is expected to wake up in a few hours."

I felt so happy. A smile grew on my face. Then a laugh escaped my lips. "Really!? Oh my god thank you!"

"But one more thing." The doctor said, making my happiness disappear. "It seems that Seungmin is suicidal. There were huge gashes on his arms, which were cuts. We also found old scars. Did you know about this?"

"I found out about it a couple of days ago" I admitted. The doctor started to write something down.

"Is there a chance you might know how he got depression?" He asked

"I-" I stuttered. "I think it's because of Jeongin."

He wrote something down and said "Since he's suffering from major depression, he needs to go to a mental hospital."

I looked down, knowing that i might never see seungmin again.

"But since it's his first time, he just needs to go to therapy once a week. If this happens again, he will be brought straight to a mental hospital." The doctor said. "The hospital has already set up a therapist for him to meet every friday. Tomorrow, I need you to bring him there."

The doctor handed me a business card, and i replied by saying ok.

I was led back to the waiting room, and I waited for Seungmin to wake back up. I fell asleep, but was awoken later by a voice.

"Hey. Han Jisung." A gentle hand shook me. I looked up and saw the same nurse from before.
"Kim Seungmin is awake."

I instantly stood up and followed her to Seungmin. I rushed to the bed he was on, and hugged him. He groaned, so i loosened my grip.

"Hey." He quietly said. "What happened?"

"You-" I sighed. "You tried to kill your self."

"I know that but, how am i here?"

"I called 911."

"Oh." He seemed to be sad.

"Oh! The others! I forgot to call them!" I took out my phone, but then remembered it was dead. "Ah.."

Chan and the others were probably so worried right now.

"Han." Seungmin looked at me with pleading eyes. "Please don't tell them I tried to kill myself."

"But... You tried to kill your self." I countered back.

"I know, but please don't."

I sighed. "Fine, but if i catch you cutting, I'm telling them."

Yay it's my birthday

Happy late birthday to jisung and doyoung
Stan Nct!

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