Chapter 8

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Woojin POV:

I woke up from my nap, after hearing many people running around. I wanted to ignore it but it wouldn't stop. I groaned and started to drag myself out of my bed. I put on some pants and slowly walked to the door. Before i opened the door, a loud slam was heard. I went out and saw Han, poking his head out of his room. Felix and Changbin, were still in their rooms. Minho was in the kitchen reading, something on the paper.

"Hey. What's happening." I asked.

Han got startled. "Um. Seungmin and Chan were carrying Hyunjin and other people came in and took Hyunjin."

"What." I wasn't  fully awake, so i didn't really process the information.

"Chan left a note in the kitchen before leaving."

I followed Han out and into the other room. I picked up the same paper i saw Minho reading.
It said:

Hey guys.

Me and Seungmin are going to the hospital. Hyunjin is unconscious. Don't worry. We'll be back as soon as possible.

I was now fully awake.

"WHAT." I yelled.

I ran into my bedroom putting on a sweater and grabbing my car keys.

"I'm going to the hospital. Stay here."


"Stay here." I said sternly.

I ran out the door and to my car, driving to the hospital, but of course. There had to be traffic. I honked and beeped for a really long time, but it didn't seem to be moving.

I took my phone and went to my text messages, making a group chat, with Chan and Seungmin.


Oh My god
Why didn't
You Tell me !?
What's happening?
Right Now

I'm pretty much spamming right now. Once the traffic had cleared up, i drove quickly to the hospital. I got out and ran in, spamming again.
I burst through the waiting room, yelling,

Short Chapter but
did you see Double Knot!? 

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