Chapter 11

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Hyunjin POV

I sat down in the kitchen, after come back home. Woojin and Chan were rushing, trying to make me some food, and make dinner. I saw Seungmin staring at us, with a sad look on his face. I stared straight into his empty eyes, but he didn't look at me.

"Hyunjin. Eat this for now."

I looked at what Woojin gave me. It was a bowl of rice with chicken. I took my chopsticks and ate it all in a minutes. since i couldnt remember the last time i ate, i was really hungry. I looked back at Seungmin, and saw that he was leaving the kitchen, and going into his bedroom. I had a bad feeling about him. He seemed so much like Jeongin. I remembered seeing Jeongins arm, where we saw multiple cuts on his arm. I didn't cut. Not yet though. But I had a slight feeling that he was. I was about to get up and check up on him, but Woojin gave me another bowl of rice, and watched as i ate it all.

After Chan was finished cooking, he told Han to get the others. Minho sat down as I saw Han go to Felix's room first, and told him it was time to eat, and to get the others, while Han had to go to the bathroom. Felix got Changbin, and both of them went to the kitchen. I saw that no one went to Seungmins room. I would've but Woojin wouldn't let me leave. Once all the food was done and Han was back, they all started to eat.

I stared at all of them. Did they not realize that Seungmin wasn't there?

"Guys... Why isn't Seungmin here?" I asked.

I looked at the younger members, and they all had blank faces, like they didn't know what i was talking about. Then their expression changed to, surprised looks.

The older members, had different reactions.

"He looked tired, when we got back. He might be sleeping right now." Chan told me.

"We should check though?" Minho asked.

"But you might wake him up." Woojin told him.

"I'll check." I told the others. I got up and went to Seungmins room. I knocked on the door, but he didn't open the door. Chan, who followed me said " I think he's sleeping right now."

I sighed and nodded. We went back to the table and continued to eat. After dinner, I went to check Seungmin again. Still no sound from him. I was getting worried so i grabbed the key and unlocked the door, just to find Seungmin not there.


The other members rushed in, yelling.

"IM SUCH A BAD HYUNGGG!!" Chan yelled.

"WHERE COULD HE BE!?" Han screamed.

"WHY ISNT HE HERE?!!" Changbin shouted.

"CALM DOWN!!" Woojin yelled over the others. "Let's think. Wheee would he go?"

I pointed at the window. "He went out of the window."

The others looked at the window which was wide open.

"AHHHHH I HATE WINDOWS." Felix screamed. After jeongin running out of the dorms by climbing out of the windows, everyone had bad memories of Jeongin being gone, and the window, being his way out.

We decided to spilt up into groups. Han and Felix would stay in the dorms just in case Seungmin came back. Woojin and Chan, would look in one part, while Hyunjin and Changbin looked in the other. They all rushed out of the dorms.

"Where should we start first?" Changbin asked.

"Maybe the bridge." Hyunjin suggested.

They ran to the bridge, not noticing Seungmin walk out of the cafe he was just in, behind them.

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