Chapter 23

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My eyes fluttered open as the bright sun shone into my eyes. I groaned and turned to my side, with my back facing the sun. I forgot about what i had done to myself yesterday, which was probably why I didn't think before turning. My left arm flared with pain. I winced. My arm was burning with  pain. It wouldn't go away. I rolled up my sleeve, and scanned my arm. A couple of my cuts was still bleeding. The pain in my left arm now felt dull. I got up, and walked to the kitchen to get a cup of water, since my throat felt extremely dry and sore again.

"Seungmin!" Hyunjin let out a laugh. It had been such a long time since i heard him laugh.

"Did you even check yourself in the mirror this morning?" He asked.

"Huh?" I wondered.

"Oh god! Seungmin!" Changbin exclaimed as he walk by.

I ran to the bathroom and saw that my hair looked HORRIBLE. But my face look even terrible. I felt so angry with myself for letting the others see how ugly i was. I grabbed a brush and fixed my hair. I washed my face and went back out to the others. I sat at the table, as the elder members were cooking breakfast. None of them seemed to acknowledge my existence, until breakfast was ready. I ate one pancake but i immediately felt full. I started at the rest of the food on my plate.

I ate a couple more bites, but i couldn't take in anymore. I got up and threw the rest away. I had a feeling that a few pairs of eyes were following me. My brain screamed "HAN." I knew Han was suspicious of me. I felt scared. What if he tells the others?

A loud buzzing sound took my mind off the topic, but I ended up having everyone in the room turn, to stare at me. I took out my phone that was still vibrating from my notification. It was a text message from Taehyung.


I wondered why Taehyung would need me.

"cone over now."

I stared at the message. Did something happen? I put on my jacket and sneakers, and ran out the door, with everyone staring at me.

I ran and ran, but didn't stop to take a breath. When I finally reached their dorm, I burst through the door, and almost ran into people. Someone grabbed me and stopped me from running over, and pushing past them. I turned around, and my eyes came into contact with Jungkook.

"Hey. Come with me." He said

I followed him around, trying to not bump into to the people, who i assumed were the staff. We stopped in front of Jimin's door, and the others tried to explain.

"I don't know what just happened! He just got up and left." Hoseok said.

"I saw him crying." Namjoon spoke.

"He slammed his door, after he went in." Jin added.

"He won't come out." Yoongi told me.

"He said he needs to talk to you." Taehyung said sadly.

Jungkook knocked onto Jimin's door. "Jimin! Seungmins here."

He moved, so i could go in.

"Jimin?" I asked. "It's me. Can i come in?"

I heard a small click, which I knew meant Jimin unlocked his door. I slowly grabbed the handle and turned it.

"Don't let the others in." He whispered.

I turned around and said "He doesn't want anyone else in here."

I closed the door and locked it, since Jimin wanted it to be like that. He was huddled in his bed, and was covered with blankets. I walked over to him, and hugged him.

"What's wrong?"

"S-Seungmin..." Jimin stuttered "H-he.."

He looked around for his phone and unlocked it.  He went onto Google and searched up something. Then he showed me the website.

I felt my eyes start to tear up. I couldn't speak. I was just so shocked.

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