Chapter 2

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As Seungmin returned to the dorm, he didn't notice that he had tears running down his face. The one member who knew what he was going through was the only one who noticed it. Right before he went in his room, the manager had came in. Everyone gathered together to listen to what the manager had to say.

"Guys, it's been a few months, and the fans are getting really nervous, so we have decided to have a concert in two months."

"Ok, we'll get ready." Chan said.

The manager gave them a list of songs that they would be performing at the concert. For the next few weeks,all the members had been practicing. Seungmin hasn't seen Jeongin..

Until today.

Seungmins mind was full of jeongin again. He slowly walked around the city until he had ended up at the bridge, that jeongin might've committed suicide at. He walked along the bridge, and stopped right at the part, that they found blood at. Seungmin stared out into the ocean.

Would everything be ok if he just jumped off?

Would he see Jeongin in the afterlife?

Would he feel happier if he did it?

Seungmin pushed the thoughts aside. He sat down, and closed his eyes. He listened to the calm ocean, and after 20 minutes he decided to take out his headphones and listen to music. He lost track of time and had been there for nearly 2 hours. He didn't notice that until someone had put their hand on his shoulder.

It was Han.

"Are you thinking of..." He hesitated. "Doing it?"

"Of course not!" Seungmin lies.

Han looked sad. Seungmin got up and decided to walk back with him, but he noticed someone, and when he looked back, he saw Jeongin.

"What are you doing?" Han asked.

Seungmin turned back and replied "Nothing."
He glanced back but didn't see Jeongin. He sighed.

Was that really Jeongin? Was he just imagining things?

Both of the boys finally got back and when they got there, it was quiet, like always. Chan and Woojin were watching some tv. Chan noticed them and asked

"Can you try to get Hyunjin to eat? He won't come out of his room."

Seungmin nodded. "I'll try."

He grabbed a plate and put food on it and walked to Hyunjin's room. He raised his hand and knocked.


No response. He tried again.

"Hyunjin?" He spoke louder.

Still no response. He put down the plate and went to his room, to get a key. A key that only he and Jeongin had. He walked back and unlocked Hyunjins door. Seungmin hesitated. What if he was going to see something bad?

Seungmin quietly opened the door and saw that the room was a mess. He walked in and closed the door. Hyunjin was in his bed, but he wasn't sleeping. The younger had sat next to him and tried to talk to him.

"Hyunjin. Please eat." Seungmin grabbed his chopsticks and picked up some food. The elder didn't respond, so the younger set down the plate and hugged him, while whispering something.

It had comforted him, and he sat up. Both of them sat together eating, and talking. This went on for hours. It was getting dark.

"You should sleep." Hyunjin told him.

Seungmin looked at the time. He got up and said good night. When Seungmin got to his room, he changed into more comfortable clothes, and got in bed. He wrapped himself in a warm blanket. He closed his eyes, waiting for sleep to take over, but it never came. He rolled around in his bed, trying to sleep.

Hours have passed,and Seungmin was still awake. He was restless. He got up and put on a warm sweater and walked out of his room. He went up the stairs and onto the roof. he laid down, admiring the sky and the stars. He stayed there until he finally fell asleep. A few hours later, he woke up feeling an arm around him. Seungmin fell back asleep, not even caring about the person besides him. He woke up later, which was at 6 in the morning.

Seungmin was woken up by Chan. As he rubbed his eyes, he noticed that t was only 8:00 and that he had only gotten 2 hours of sleep. He groaned and got up, not listening to anything Chan was saying.  When he finally decided to listen, he had no idea what Chan was talking about.

" - So Han was waiting for you."

"What" Seungmin asked.

"You weren't listening."  Chan sighed. Chan said everything again to him. Apparently they had a concert coming up soon and they had a dance practice later. As Seungmin processed the information, The older, asked him a question.

"So. Why were you up here?"

"I couldn't sleep." Seungmin simply answered.

"But why here?"

Seungmin hesitated. Why did he come up here? Did he come up because it was quiet? Or.. Did he come up here because of Jeongin? Because he and Jeongin used to come up here and chat? Because he missed Jeongin?

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